Ouch! Ann Coulter gets roasted to death by DC comedian, and it's brutal (video)

Wow, I was hung up on the whole Coulter gutting, and suddenly I’m a greasy teenager driving my date to the lake in my old Fury III with after market 8-track tape deck. Thanks for the nostalgia.


There are two types of people in the world.

  1. Those who have at least a shred of human decency, so there are lines of public comment they won’t transgress, even if they have the vicious thought in their head.
  2. Trumpists.

Childless shouldn’t be a perjorative.


Ordinarily, no. But she stooped to the name-calling a disabled child.

In this case “childless” is used not as a pejorative in itself, but to point out that she has NFI what she’s talking about when discussing children.


Well I thought “roast” meant that Coulter herself was in the room (for example), which suggested that (1) she actually got to hear this in person, and (2) there was a long line of others ready to dish out more of the same.


Childless people are uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, primary school teachers, peadiatric nurses etc.etc. and have plenty to contribute to the discussion. This women is a total fuckwit but it has nothing to do with her not having children.


I hear what you’re saying, but since Vance et al. have made “childless cat lady” a pejorative, I’m personally not going to sweat it too much if it gets turned around on them by a comedian. If Harris or Walz leaned into it, I’d say that’s a bad look for politicians trying to go high, but for a roast on TikTok? These ghouls can take some of what they’re dishing out.


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