Overloaded powerstrip brings bomb squad to illegal grow house

Originally published at: Overloaded powerstrip brings bomb squad to illegal grow house - Boing Boing


Some things just need to get plugged into the wall socket.


I’m puzzled, why would you need pesticides if you’re growing inside? Or was it for mice?




I’ve had an inherent mistrust of powerstrips ever since we had electrical problems in the house and lost several strips to sparks and smoke.

Anybody know what brand this one was? I am always keeping a list of brands to avoid.

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Of the places to cheap out on, your illegal grow-op electricals isn’t one of them.
(Also, it’s Massachusetts, where weed is legal… guess it says something about the market when people still do this.)

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Ooh, if bugs get into an indoor monocrop, they think they’ve died and gone to heaven. It very much becomes the-plants-are-locked-inside-with-the-bugs.

Commercial operations typically go multiprong: “physical, biological, and chemical”, as this page puts it: https://www.insongreen.com/how-to-get-rid-of-greenhouse-pests/


For the want of a powerstrip, a kingdom was lost…

Its possible that some kind of pest made it inside at some point, enough that they felt they needed to spray everything. I know my inside plants get occasional infestations from possibly Mealybugs, but its recurring enough that i know i can deal with them through non-toxic means with a homemade spray using water, dish soap and neem oil. But if a grow operation is having an outbreak i can see how they might panic and decide to just use conventional sprays.

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whiteflies, thrips and spider mites.
neem oil works, but is bad if it stays on the flower when consumed.
at least… that’s what a… friend… told me.

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