Party at the NSA


Curiously you can’t stream their song if you have ghostery enabled (specifically, blocking soundcloud, who collect your listening habits and sell the results).

That’s some delicious irony.

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If there’s one thing I know not to do on the internet, it’s type my credit card number into a browser that doesn’t have a little padlock icon in the URL bar.

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FWIW, the site is actually js rendering a Gumroad iframe over HTTPS. It’s totally secure, but if you’d prefer see the little green lock, you can go to: and buy the song there.

I’m seeing more of these idiotic sites using SSL iframes on non-SSL pages, like they’re intentionally trying to teach people to not worry about the missing padlock in the status bar.

WE don’t know that your iframe is secure… we’re just supposed to take your word for it, or view source?

Just stop it, OK? It’s a bad thing to do.

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Done. Thanks!

That’s valid, thanks. Still, we think it’s a pretty non-idiotic site otherwise.

I didn’t buy the song because I just didn’t care for it, but it did serve as a reminder to kick in to EFF again.
Thanks for the reminder.

I am disappoint. Was hoping this was going to be to the tune of “Party in the USA”.

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I just recently became a fan of YACHT, and I approve of this song. Also I just gotta say that as a musician who likes to share his creations, Soundcloud is a really awesome resource.

@mdahmus Ah, then you are looking for Party in the CIA, by Weird Al.

Weird Al got that covered.

JINX! You owe me a coke

So that’s what passes for an “awesome” guitar solo these days? sigh Music just ain’t what it used to be.

If that’s really Marc Maron, color me impressed. I have rarely heard a guitar solo sound that primal since James Honeyman-Scott’s in “Tattooed Love Boys”

After the 1st 20 seconds I fully expected Mark or Jerry ( Of DEVO Fame ) to burst out in song.

Proceeds from the sales (and from T-Shirts) will go to the EFF

Awww. I was hoping proceeds would be used to pay off the plugin vendors they ripped off from back in the day.

I was really hoping it would be more of a mashup of Miley Cyrus like this one:

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