Passenger on plane tries to avoid cops by opening emergency exit door and fleeing on tarmac

Originally published at: Passenger on plane tries to avoid cops by opening emergency exit door and fleeing on tarmac | Boing Boing


About two decades ago, I was on a flight from BOS to SFO where it was taking a rather long time to leave the gate even when everyone was seated and secured. Suddenly the flight attendance announced over the speaker something like “Please remain seated for police action.”

Then comes walking in two Boston police officers with (what I assume) TSA onto the plane. The Boston cop points at a guy and tell him to get off the plane. The very soon to be arrested gentleman raised his hands and said “Yup, you got me!”. Asking for the two passengers seated next to him to step out, the accused wanted to be very clear that he was not resisting and fully complying.

I’ll never know what they wanted him for. At least he was smart enough not to get federal charges involved.


He was home free until he realized he’d have to eat airline food to survive.


… Unlike the chucklehead in the article, who will likely be facing federal charges for that stunt. (and whatever else comes with crossing state lines, depending on where the arrest warrant is from…)


Shenanigans involving airplanes often result in federal charges anyway. So it’s possible he just didn’t add to the existing ones.


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