Passenger realizes the floor of his Air France flight was soaked with blood. They gave him wet wipes to clean it up

Originally published at: Passenger realizes the floor of his Air France flight was soaked with blood. They gave him wet wipes to clean it up. | Boing Boing


My last two recent flights in the US had filthy cabins. Food and trash left everywhere in and around the seats. Clearly the crew didn’t even bother to clean between flights and when asked to pick it up nothing but disdain and no action in return.

Compared to this reported biohazard I’ll take the trash.



Oh My God Omg GIF by CBC


On an Allegiant flight some years ago, we were all asked to clean our own area for the next flight. That meant picking up trash and putting the seat belts in a nice X position. Sanitation? LOL!


The past few times I’ve flown I’ve watched the plane come up to the gate, arriving passengers get off, then 30 minutes later we’re boarding. Someone might have tidied and picked up obvious garbage, but there’s no way that the plane has actually been cleaned.

Planes don’t make money sitting on the ground. Human fluids are pretty egregious, but that is a sacrifice the airline is willing to make to keep planes in the air.


Airlines don’t make money without passengers, either. Have the airlines become so unprofitable that they can no longer afford to pay for cleaning crews and maintenance? :thinking:


Got to get those turn around times to nil!

As for the profits:

Narrator: “They can effing afford to clean the cabin.”


Before long they’ll not stop to let people board. Just land, taxi slowly past the ramp, and take off. Passengers who fail to make the jump will be charged an additional fee for damaging the runway in their falls.


Short answer: no.

Though I have to say Air France’s CEO makes less money than his US counterparts. Still ridiculous, but small compared to others

Air France-KLM’s CEO is Ben Smith, appointed in Sep 2018, he has a tenure of 4.75 years. His total yearly compensation is €4.24M , comprised of 21.3% salary and 78.7% bonuses, including company stock and options. He directly owns 0.004% of the company’s shares, worth €175.46K.


The last time I flew, they told us they needed a few extra minutes to make sure the plane was clean. When we boarded, the tray was sticky and there was still garbage lying around. I have no idea how they used that time.


As in, asking you to take your rubbish with you? I don’t see a problem with that.

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Loading and unloading have become a lot less efficient. With the proliferation of different zones and classes, commercial airlines no longer load from front to back. As such, passengers are held up entering the plane by passengers who are settling in. On top of that, with exhorbitant checked baggage fees, more people are carrying bags on unnecessarily, overcrowding bins such that the last 10-25% of the passengers entering the plane have no room for their bags near their seats. So loading takes longer as everone scrambles to find space for their bags and check what can’t be fit in the overhead, and then when people leave the plane that have to go “upstream” to get bags they had to stow in the back.

So it’s a problem that airlines have created themselves and then blame on their customers.


Yeah no. I didn’t pay hundreds of dollars to clean my own seat for the next guy. Seriously, customers should expect a clean cabin.


Humans are disgusting pigs and if you’ve ever seen the cabin of an international flight after arrival it looks like a garbage dump with blankets, pillows, newspapers, trash and food wrappers strewn all around. I give kudos to the low wage cleaning crew who are under enormous pressure to get the plane turned around as quickly as possible so expecting a deep clean and sanitation after every flight is simply not feasible.

However, blood and feces is an entirely different story. According to reports, Air France knew about the ‘hemorrhaging’ passenger (how horrifying to have sat next to that poor guy!) almost two days prior and should have taken extra precautions to make sure the bio-hazard was properly taken care of. No excuses for this one.

(this pic was due to severe turbulence but it’s not that far off from the aftermath of some overnight flights I’ve been on)


Not at all! I’m in the habit of throwing away my trash, it’s that there was not a step to wipe anything down, or sanitize in any way. Even before the recent plague, people were gross disease vectors, all of us.


My one and only Air France flight was on Xmas day in the early 90s. I was absolutely tripping balls on LSD, and I’m very glad that there was no blood or excrement on the floor because it would likely have broken my brain entirely.

As it was I found it unbelievably complex trying to watch The Fugitive dubbed in French (which I do not speak).

Oh I know. It’s the worst. We had just gotten back to a trip from Cambodia, so we’d seen basically everything there was to see at that point on an airline :grimacing:

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It’s just common courtesy to pick up after yourself. I’d be embarrassed to leave my seat a mess.


Completely agree.


When I moved into my current flat I found that the previous occupants – French – had left a bloodstain on the carpet, I guess it’s a cultural thing, like wallpaper on doors, or referring to sunglasses as “moonlets of the sun”