Passengers tackle a man on American Airlines who pulled the emergency door handle (video)

More hitting than finding?

It would be interesting to learn if the truly massive fines ever persuaded a would-be-rager to calm down.


Sorry if I misunderstood your points. I still found them personally relevant to thinking about the topic though, so thank you.

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That certainly would be interesting to learn… but difficult to ascertain.


He definitely shouldn’t have made that left turn at Albuquerque.


Above 10,000 feet, the short answer is NO. There’s about 8 pounds per square inch of force pressing the exit window against the airframe when the cabin is pressurized. That’s tens of thousands of pounds of force holding the exit in place.

Reports say this incident happened about 30 minutes into the flight so that would mean they would have been at or close to cruising altitude by that point.

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Why jump to that one conclusion when this could be caused by anything from the guy being angry at his ex, to being on drugs or alcohol, or a zillion other things which the video won’t help you discover?

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