Passports, ranked by country


(You can manage this with any of the French overseas departments and territories that are clickable on the map. Looks to be the only country where clicking the territories doesn’t get you the correct passport.)

And my employer wonders why I don’t want to move back there… Seattle may be dark and wet in the winter but it isn’t very cold and summer even when it gets hot isn’t so humid you can feel the air.


The list seems to be missing the passport of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

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They’re too busy flogging citizenship-by-investment programs to be real passport geeks. :slight_smile:

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Eh Flannel Shirt, the way to to naturally fix your lack of D is to spend more time south of the border.


Hm. A couple of years ago, the landlord of this pub a few miles south of me was trapped indoors for five days. (Well… that was his story…)
We used to get at least a foot of snow every winter: not so much, these days.


Like, total, or just in one day?

I’ve seen a foot of snow fall over a day, but only a few times in thirty years of living round here: that would be a lot. More common to get a few inches, which would hang around for days or weeks. But we live in the hills, so not typical.


It’s always been nice to have a passport from a small-ish, neutral-ish country, like Austria. Noone has any beef with you - if they even heard of you. Just lovely thoughts of cake and Strudel.


Vatican City is the only passport without any text on the cover. But I guess if you’re a customs officer and someone hands you that you already know who it is.

On the other hand, El Salvador and Guatemala have to show you on a little map exactly which countries they are. I don’t know whether that’s endearing or piteous.


Looks like an attempt at design standardization by the Centroamerica guys. Endearingly gone wrong, as these things are wont to.

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Exactly. No one has ever had any beef with anyone from Austria.


Actually, most people around the planet seem willing to either assign the blame to Germany or to count it as a one-time lapse on Austria’s part. The worst Austrian export I’ve usually actually had to justify towards people in other countries while travelling was usually Schwarzenegger. The French still seem to harbour a small grudge because of Marie Antoinette. But I never felt the need to put a Canadian flag on my backpack, even though I love Canada and have nothing but fond memories of the time I spent there.

Of course, those numbers won’t be entirely accurate, because people do strange things to the word “visa”.

If I want to go the USA, to Sri Lanka, or to Turkey, I need to fill out an electronic form and pay a fee before I start my travels.
Turkey calls it an “electronic visa”, Sri Lanka will issue a “visa” at the border when I present my “electronic travel authorization”, and America claims that Austrian citizens can enter as tourists without needing a visa.

Go figure.


English winters are not exciting. That’s the point. There’s very little snow, they’re just long and dark and wet. Which is why so many people hate them. I rather like them. They make spring all the more enjoyable.

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Also long and dark and wet.

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At least you guys can fish through the winter without the aid of a gas powered ice auger.

Gotta count for something.

Just like Seattle.

Ah, see, everyone thinks that Seattle weather is like British weather. It isn’t, though. Seattle has much longer summers and a milder winter. Feels like it rains less, too.


It’s true. It rains more in Houston.

Grey and monotonous and dull!