Penis facials contain foreskins of circumcised infants

This sounds directly out of the more creative ends of anti-stem-cell-research conspiracy theories…

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Seriously, what the everlasting fuck is wrong with people?!


Putting the ‘bris’ in hubris.


I imagine this is the kind of nightly ablution Peter Thiel would do after a day of being infused with the blood of young virgins. :thinking:


Hyperreality refers to our inability to separate reality from simulation. This is a feature of postmodern life often associated with VR but baked deeply into our psychological relationship to media in general. Now, this seems like a great way to approach the issue of celebrities on instagram smearing themsleves in juiced baby cock flesh. But let me suggest an alternate frame of reference: Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

Ok so that’s 2018. Can’t even imagine 2019 now.

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Oh really now.

juiced baby cock flesh.

Mocking people for indulging in expensive vanity treatments of dubious utility is one thing, but pointless, sensationalist exaggerations like this are what leads to things like anti-vax and GMO bans.

ETA: This isn’t even new technology.

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This isn’t that weird…there are hella “stem cell” facial products on the market from South Korea containing all sorts of conditioned media with uncharacterized bio goop inside. This trend will, in fact, only get weirder.


There does seem to be side effects if overused:



Isn’t this just asking for developing some kind of autoimmune disorder?

No more than eating beef and pork or using other fancy face creams would.

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I think you mean Moldy Dick, Melville’s sequel, in which a zombie Ahab relentlessly pursues a zombie white whale.


Maybe not for the kid who – years later – hears this from their parents: “Son? See that lady over there? She may have your foreskin in her face.” A very complicated variety of confusion would ensue.


That would provide a rationale for bringing back Queequeg; he could be the good zombie.


A bit more Googling turns up the factoid that in some circumstances, one can grow “four football fields of skin out of one baby foreskin”. Another article that says 13 foreskins were enough to produce 15 years’ worth of cell lines.

I’m sure there’s many a doctor who would very much prefer that their patients be saved from a lifetime of pain and disfigurement rather than have them turn down a treatment because they heard it was made from “juiced baby cock flesh”.

(The ethics of circumcision itself is an entirely different matter.)


Yes Gods, she looks like my ex’s mum. No, really. That is uncanny.

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Just an industry built on the genital mutilation of infants.
Nothing to see here.

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at :20 to 1:40

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You may have had a very narrow escape.