People who voted for Trump knew their shot at the elites was fired through the guts of their neighbors

Dead babies go to Jesus so it’s okay

I look forward to something like this.


Not if they aren’t baptized they won’t! /s


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing


The flip side to that is relying on bad precedent often results in verdicts which cannot be both consistent and just. In which case, replace it with a better rule that can be applied more equitably.

Christians can be creative (for lack of a better word).

syringes like these were used to perform emergency baptisms of unborn (pumping holy water through the vagina)

around 1850

around 1800


Are you suggesting that these were covert abortion mechanisms?

Because one way or another, they’d be likely to cause a miscarriage (if not severe infection leading to death).


they should be used at birth if the life of the child was in grave danger. and I didn’t try to imply anything, this was only to illustrate the the church was mean enough to develop means for baptisms of really young kids


Here is an idea, form a private corporation funded by the government, hire the coal miners directly, retrain them for various future viable energy jobs, and put them to work generating power at cost, and put the F!@#%$!% coal mining companies out of business.

Coal is not an option. Address the needs of the workers and the people. That is the only answer.

But the video didn’t talk about that. It’s just nonsense to justify F!#$%^ up behavior. Accept that within these borders that there are people with bad ideas and have the will to execute them. Face them, confront them, and defeat them every day. Check your racism every day. The problem is that we swept all the sickness under the rug. Now it just went metastatic

This country is a sick, cancerous nightmare and it’s always been that way. Slavery, genocide, misogyny, racism, classism, and exploitation. Trump is the worst of America. Now we get a taste of what we have been giving the world. Learn and learn well.

If you think that the US can’t dismantle itself you are mistaken. What if Donald Trump is the last American president? This thing can end.


I didn’t understand which way it was going, that’s why I asked. :wink:

So you’re in the midst of a terrible birth, so bad that they assume the baby is dead or about to die, and in the midst of this some priest sticks a metal tool up inside your body WHILE the baby is coming the other direction.

Anyone pining to live in an earlier time really has no clue, do they?


We had generations of factory workers and miners who swept FDR into power on their rage and kept him there. We need to figure out how to rekindle that among a huge group of people (including lots and lots and lots of Trump voters) who are completely pissed off.

The left really missed an opportunity to bring Occupy and the nascent Tea Party (who were angry about the same things, framed differently) together, but that anger and energy is still there; moreso after the inevitable New Boss Same As The Old Boss moment many Trump voters are about to experience.


this was the job of the midwife. why should a priest get his hand bloodied?


And what percentage of the country was factory worker or miner at that point versus now?

A timely article!

Are you fucking kidding me.


Amazing. An article about labor union voting trends without a single union member or leader quoted as source. How about something a little more on point, that points the finger where it needs to be, the campaign that lost the votes:


Does it hurt your fee-fees that we’re not using our indoor voices anymore?


Sure they do, they’re usually the sort of people doing, not being done to.


Thank you for your excellent, eloquent explanation of the issue. I apologize for copying so much of it in one quote, but it clearly needs to be repeated here.


I’m not assuming anything. I said in my original comment that working class whites was not a demographic covered in the information you got your data from, that the closest thing to it was non college educate whites. You keep saying a majority of the working class didn’t support Trump. A) The article never said they did. It said a majority of working class whites did. B) You don’t know that they didn’t. You’re assuming the working class earns under $50,000 a year, but that isn’t always true. There aren’t as many high paying union factory jobs as there used to be, but they’re still out there. You can keep deluding yourself if you want that it’s the middle and upper class that elected Trump. The truth is he got WAAAAAAY more support from every demographic group than he should have. Roughly a third of hispanics supported him. Think about how crazy that is. Even the numbers in your graphic are nuts. 41% of people earning under $30,000 a year voted for him. That’s insane. That number should have been like 20% at most. This whole election was one giant clusterfuck. Everyone screwed this up. Republicans, Democrats, Bernie, Hillary, you, and me. We all screwed the pooch on this. Debating which group to blame is stupid. We need to stop this and figure out how to fix this mess. (sorry, most of this is a rant I needed. Ignore it if you like)

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I don’t want you to use your indoor voice. I want you to use your electable voice. Because indulging your self-righteousness is, I’m sure, quite nice, but has, in fact, put people with contempt for all of thous groups in power. I thought you might care about that.

Otherwise, no. My fee-fees are fine, thanks for asking.

Why does it say kröte (toad) in the bottom picture?

I may be different than your ideology but I like your style.