Perfect kid at a wedding. Wait for the zoom.

That is an AMAZING graphic novel! Won 3 Eisners and I think a sequel is in the works.

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How old is she? Like… 5?

The Incredible Sulk!


I need to know the story behind this video.

Do you though? The “not knowing” often makes for a more interesting experience. The truth of it is probably pretty mundane, kid was bored and wanted to bring a mask… vs whatever you come up in your mind will be infinitely more entertaining.

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Smashing is what brings us together, today…"

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Bridgette watched the Big People dance awkwardly and slurp at liquids and foodstuff which they acted like made them happy.
They were not happy, though. She could tell because Bridgette was a master at Pretend and she could spot crappy pretending from across a playground, much less a brightly lit conference/banquet/training room.
Bridgette sulked behind her mask and did not pretend not to. Fuck these fakers, she thought.
Only without the F word. Being only five she mostly just felt it, loud n clear.


A: “I’m sorry, I don’t seem to have your name on any of the seating charts. Did you RSVP?”



I give you all the likes. All of them.


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