Perhaps folks are getting a bit over invested in Baby Yoda

“Baby Yoda” is actually an engineered clone of the Emperor. This time, he’s trying the Cute side of the Force.

“How did the Emperor come back in Star Wars IX?” Heh heh heh.

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It all makes sense now! But where is my toddler getting the frogs?

“Perhaps folks are getting a bit over invested in Baby Yoda”

That’s a pretty safe bet

mildly NSFW

I am pretty sure most jurisdictions wouldn’t accept “those guys disabled my ride, thus forcing me to walk to my new acquaintance’s nearby moisture farm” as a legal justification for mass slaughter.


If he already knew the guy I guess you’re right. Pretty weird to see disintegrations like that, but I don’t think he cared enough about Jawas.
A bad ass would just start shooting in the old West, and I guess the writers are just going with it.
From a purely speculative point of view, Han shot first too, and probably on more than one occasion.

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It was a reaction that totally made narrative sense for that particular character—a ruthless gun-for-hire who was (at least initially) willing to engage in child trafficking. But it was still murder.


Now I’m gonna split hairs here. I doubt they knew anything about a kill order. All they knew was that bounty hunters were coming, apparently for a while, according to “I have spoken.” And then two more show up. To the viewer: One with kill order, the other with maybe sorta kill order.

I haven’t seen the series. Is the place under any kind of jurisdiction, or is it a anarchy free-fire zone lightly controlled by the biggest gangs?

In comparison the “wrenched hive of scum and villainy” of Mos Eisley was at least nominally under the jurisdiction of the Empire. They might not even have sent a patrol to the cantina, without an informer reporting a light saber, plus Lord Vader was in orbit, so no one wanted to choke up.




So Baby Yoda is being gifted with a Lament Configuration?


I always thought those holocron crystals were bit dodgy.


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