Perhaps not the best way to burp a baby

My son’s doing an engineering degree. I sent him this link to inspire him in his endeavours - proper engineering!

I find that holding my baby facing my chest is a great way to get puke down my top and into my bra. Thanks baby!


Perhaps a remedy for Mr. Creosote?

I linked to the video to give the guy hits. It’s a well done joke.

“Twitter makes this Monday better.”

Jaaaaasooooon, nooooooo! Come back! Don’t go down that rabbit hole! If you stay on twitter to long, you might get… disappointed!

Yep. It is actually an adaptor for your guillotine.A bas les aristos!

well, that’s usually Simone Giertz’s domain

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Are hand attachments replaceable with knives? …no, never mind.

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