Person who offered $500 for lost cat gets mad when cat finder wants the reward

This cat clearly wasn’t lost, they were probably only just getting started on a nice walkabout, before some asshole came by and scooped them up and put them back with the food supply.


Based on the story, I’d say the odds are 8/10 that the cat-family’s dad drove that cat 50 miles away into the country to get rid of it, then offered the reward to placate the kids, secure in the knowledge that he’d never have to pay out. The cat made it 99% of the way home, then took a break on a neighborhood car. Cat finders brought it the rest of the way.


You mean because bringing the cat back is the decent thing to do, no reward needed? And by bringing up the reward they spoiled the whole thing for themselves, when they just could have let it go?

But their parents of the finders are assholes, too, because they did nothing to help their kids make a better choice in the future, and it was their education that brought the kids in this situation in the first place. :grinning:

A random dog sticking its nose in your hand as you walk by can genuinely make your day.


I wouldn’t accept the reward, unless I’d incurred expenses maybe. But as for not paying it – correct me if IANAL, but isn’t there a binding contract here? You have the “offer” (the poster), the “acceptance” (returning the cat) and the “consideration” ($500); according to standard contract-law-for-dumdums classes, that’s the very definition. You’re literally stealing $500 from someone for returning your cat.

If you don’t think neighborliness should be coldly transactional, cool. But you made it that way when you offered a significant cash sum to make people serve you. If you suddenly do a moral 180 the moment you’re on the wrong side of it, then you’re the last person anyone should ever let out of a debt.


His wife’s parents think he’s in the wrong. His wife agreed with him that he was in the right.


OH believe me, another time and I’d have taken it…

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Well, no, because it’s back with assholes.

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Did you ask the cat?


Given the attitude from the cat owners upon them begrudgingly offering the $320, I would have brightly returned it, saying, “On second thought, you keep the money, seems like you need it more than I do.”

Not necessarily. Some people still keep much of their money in cash. While I don’t think it applies in this case, someone with $320 in cash could still be poor and that could be less than the rent or other bills they owe. (Not saying you are wrong about this guy, rather you can’t just assume that having money in a wallet means you have more money.)

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Good point. My assumption is probably related to the thinking of police when they find tens of thousands of dollars on people wanting to fly. The bluff of the reward offer is really the only evidence needed here in the court of internet opinion.

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Thanks, I’d misread that and you’re correct. (I may have projected my own ex’s likely response…)

I cashiered at Walmart in the mid-90’s for a summer when I was in college. It wasn’t uncommon for customers to come in and pay with 100’s out of the rather significant wad they had in their wallet. It did (and still does) boggle my mind that people walk around with that much cash on them. I’m lucky to have two quarters to rub together.

My lack of quarters has nothing to do with my personal wealth though just like those people with wallets full of hundreds may have been carrying their entire personal wealth on them.


…the wife looked real confused.

Possible that the kids made and put up the posters and the parents didn’t check them?


Make it 30M and you can probably get Pence to do it.


If you’ve offered a reward for something, you’re an asshole the instant you make someone ask you for it, because that’s just making it awkward. “Thank you so much for returning Mr. Flufferbutt. Let me put him inside and get my checkbook.” Anything less makes you come off like a manipulative weasel.


I hope the owner knows he now has to store his shoes upside down.

Actually, no. I hope he doesn’t know.


or on Mock Trial with J. Reinhold

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I neglected to include this before, but it’s kinda obligatory


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