Pfc. Manning transitions gender: 'I am Chelsea."

Uh, Ulysses, you finding it interesting and it being interesting to others are about as far apart as Cheleas self identified gender and your opinion of it.

Exactly as far apart, actually. See what I mean?

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I appreciate your perspective on this, but please don’t turn a blind eye to all the mainstream media outlets that had a virtual blackout on Manning for much of her trial, ignored the leaks for the most part and are now suddenly focusing like a laser on Manning’s gender statement.

That’s what I thought @LilSputums was saying. It’s not you, it’s them.

Boing Boing, of course, covered Manning and the content of the leaks courageously and diligently from the beginning and it’s expected to see this post. But, please tell me you also see where the larger, mainstream media outlets are simply trying to use this as a distraction after attempting to ignore Manning and the content of the leaks for so long? It’s obvious (at least to me) they are counting on homophobia to finish off the job of disparaging Manning and resigning her into obscurity.

Please don’t give them a pass on that. Chelsea Manning is a hero to me and I think she deserves much, much better.


I don’t give a pass on that. At all. Please understand that my point was more to address the idea (which I understood that poster to be expressing) that this wasn’t worth talking about in any context and that any mention of it was nothing but a distraction. And I disagree that that’s true.


All I’m going to say is that you’ve said something incredibly insulting to me, personally. I can’t go into more detail than that.

I’m deleting any posts I see that start with “can we have a civil discussion” and then flow immediately into baseless denigration of Chelsea Manning and trans people in general

Thank you, Maggie.

Now if you’d just give me their IP addresses it’d be really appreciated. I promise not to do any bad with them. :wink:

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The Transgender Law Center quotes the AP style guide here:

Boing Boing is actually in the wrong by captioning Manning’s photo the way they have. It’s considered pretty rude to persist in using names and pronouns that mis-gender someone once they’ve expressed a preference, even when talking about them in the past. I hope they’ll fix the caption.

The caption is on a photo i first saw here on 8/14, pre announcement, so…

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The point is, you don’t have a choice. She IS a woman. If she said she’s a toaster, she’d be a toaster. It’s not your choice to make for her. Now you can reject that person in your life, but you don’t get to say who they are or aren’t.

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Thank you. I was merely trying to point out that the letter Chelsea wrote to Obama is in many ways a much more important story to lead with today, but that it is easily buried under the sensationalistic nature of her gender identification. Mainstream news sources gotta make it sexy. I was just surprised that Boingboing led with this “revelation” and not with the more nuanced and beautifully written letter addressing motivations and confronting the corruption of power at the heart of our country. Sarcasm once again fails to translate in this medium.

My point wasn’t that you were saying anything bad. My point is just that I don’t necessarily think that Manning’s declaration of her own gender identity is a sensational thing that should always come second to her declaration of her motives for releasing information. YMMV. Both are news. Both are, I think, important.


Well, it was always fraud to sell fake drugs.

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Right, but once a person expresses a preference, references should be changed accordingly, including to events in the past. The Guardian’s story is a great example.

Believe what you will.

“Elective” doesn’t mean unnecessary in this context. You say you understand that gender reassignment can be needed. Why wouldn’t the state have a duty to provide needed treatment for people in its care?


But if you accept a transsexual person’s self-identified sex, then all their born physical sex characteristics are the evidence of their transsexuality.

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By the way, there was nothing particularly enlightening or not-distracting about your post. Just because you care more about one aspect of an issue doesn’t make it the most important aspect. So stop trying to control discourse.

It’s pointless and doesn’t actually make you look any more legitimately concerned than anyone else.


Would Chelsea/Bradley die without medical intervention? Is there a guarantee that by removing the sex organs and providing hormone therapy that she will be happy and whatever emotional/mental anguish a person with gender issues endures will be resolved? And just because Manning has an internal gender conflict it still doesn’t make the surgery necessary. I’m fairly certain for milennia, people who felt they were of a different sex, kept on living, and probably easier than we do now, because the ideals of what’s a woman or what’s a man, weren’t shoved down everyone’s throats 24/7 by the consumer/media machine.

It’s an interesting dichotomy… People who have lived it or have loved ones who have, see it as a must, but for those that haven’t it’s really a muddy situation. And honestly I feel bad for the kid, because now he’ll (and I’m using he’ll purposely) will most likely be confined solitary and or separated for the rest of the inmate population, because they’ll be able to spin some crap about fear for his mental state and uncertainty about what he’s capable of doing to the other inmates.

The whole story is sad end to end. Sad that she’d run to the most macho club on earth as a career option, sad that at such a young age the burden of information was thrust upon her to the point where rational thought was thrown to the wind and the thinking that if I give myself as a martyr to the cause, something will change. Sad that the govn’t would rather continue this destructive behavior than wake the hell up.

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Well those links sort out what the language probably should be. It is going to be interesting to see what language will be used in the history books say 50 years from now.

It’s an interesting dichotomy… People who have lived it or have loved ones who have, see it as a must, but for those that haven’t it’s really a muddy situation.

Doesn’t that statement seem odd to you?

Clearly, many people (perhaps most people) are unable to think critically about things beyond their own direct experience, and are unable to empathize with people who aren’t exactly like them. Hence, for example, people turning completely around on an issue once they find out a loved one is affected by it.

That doesn’t make the actual situation “muddy” - it just shows ignorance. On an issue like this, the people to listen to are “people who have lived it or have loved ones who have” - everyone else can either support them (within reason) or STFU on things like this that don’t affect them until they’re no longer ignorant.