Phone-sized Faraday bags tested

Originally published at: Phone-sized Faraday bags tested | Boing Boing


How about a (rendered inoperable) microwave oven?
Or is that designed for frequencies too unlike the ones cellphones use to work?


I just put my phone in the microwave and called it. It rang.

My wife didn’t even ask why? I think she’s given up trying to figure out what goes on in my mind.


Great news for bigoted comedians

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If you’re worried about being followed - get a burner phone or a pager with text services. Tape your phone to the underside of a train seat etc.


“However, [the cookie tin] was unique among the containers tested in providing tasty snacks during measurements.” :grin:


A microwave would mainly filter specifically on the 2.4GHz band and even then, only enough to prevent harmful levels of that radiation from going outside of the microwave, so maybe 30 dB of attenuation? Given the effect of microwaves on 2.4GHz wifi, I figure it would be pretty ineffective at masking a cell phone signal from the inside.


We have some small gold-colored Faraday bags that velcro shut; they fit phones but are also perfect for tossing in our key fobs when we need to lock them in the car and take a hard key scuba diving. We see other divers tucking their fobs into their gas lids, or under their fenders, or even in shrubbery nearby, and we’re happy to share the best solution and give out spare bags.


And in your microwave, by the sound of it.


Turns out I live in a Faraday cage-house. 110+ years of lead paint, over and over again, makes for spotty WiFi throughout the place. Direct wiring for each room is coming soon.


Why not just an anti-static plastic bag or even a pouch of aluminum foil?


I would love to obtain one of these pls let me know how to obtain one of ur extra’s up for sharing if poss: otherwise where can I buy them pls?
thanks Tree Girl

He tested aluminium foil
You need to read the article and follow the for the result…

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No aluminum foil left after I made my hat.


A lot of preppers have bags like this in case of a coronal mass ejection. I don’t remember all the uses but one idea was a kindle or tablet full of survival info, in a faraday cage bag, and a solar charger. Honestly of all the weird shit preppers like to prep for a coronal mass ejection is kind of one of the scarier ones.

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Books are better tech for a real SHTF scenario of any duration.


It’s basically similar to this; not sure where we originally got them (a few years ago) but we’re down to one right now, so I need to reorder as well:

Ours folds over twice, though, and I think that creates a more solid closure.

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