Photographer snaps lightning as it strikes victim

Ironically enough my father passed at 36 - sudden cardiac arrest while playing tennis before work just as he had 3 times a week for years. When your time is up there is little to be done.

Beaches are very dangerous when there’s lightning. Even if you aren’t in the water, the sand under your feet is quite damp and salty and sea water is right under that, so you are pretty well grounded (in a bad way) anywhere on the beach, and you’re the tallest thing around.

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It seems like we (people, media, whoever) tend to say “young” before “lady” and often in a weirdly unnecessary way, as if doling out a compliment.

She was 36. If she were male, would we say “young man” or just “man?”

Just something I notice sometimes. Maybe imagined.


That twist is truly horrifying…

Or heck, even “young gentleman”?

The use of “lady” when “woman” is more accurate and appropriate always grates.


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