Pigeons sink into grain

Ain’t evolution beautiful?


It’s Russia. Not like anyone has to know, or like anyone cares.

Comrade, pigeon is good for you. Full of iron and keratin.


Huh. My mom still sings:

Ladybug Ladybug fly away home,
Your house is on fire
And your children are burning.


Flour is supposed to be 99% pure. Don’t ask what the other 1% is. Have you eaten “cookie dough” ice cream?

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It’s pigeons all the way down.

But, seriously, it’s pigeon heaven. Why wouldn’t they wanna go there?


Thanks to Public Safety Information films, I was terrified of things I’d never even heard of before I saw them.
I’ll put the classic Dolly in the Grain Silo behind a link, just in case.


Ah yes, it reminds me of humans and fossil fuels.


TBF, it’s hard to speak for all family farms… growing up in farm country the county commission had yearly “farm safety” gathering where they’d go over the basics just so that everybody knew them. Don’t walk on grain, stay away from PTO’s, don’t remove equipment shielding while the engine is running, one seat-one rider, don’t get on or off of a moving piece of equipment, basic first-aid, etc.


somewhat hilarious, a bit sad, and also real bad news for vegetarians.

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Falling into a vat of chocolate.

I wish I could think of a witty one involving high level GOPers joining the Trump campaign, but they’re all pretty self writing

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(photo taken on wife’s granddad’s farm near Winfield, KS)


Yea, that would have been bad for me as a kid, but I lived in southern California, so no agricultural safety films for us. It’s not terrifying anymore. My anxieties these days are a bit different (police violence, losing freedoms, authoritarian dictatorship in the US, wondering if this is going to end up in a bloody violent revolution, dystopian hellscapes of environmental destruction.) But thanks for being considerate :slight_smile:

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Another possibility: The pigeons don’t appear to be struggling as they are engulfed, which makes me hope they have taken this ride before and survived, perhaps even enjoyed it.

Consider also that the human operators would surely screen off the hopper (likely difficult, in practice) or provide a means of escape – otherwise, you’ve got either corpse-ridden grain or a big pile of pigeon bodies to deal with.

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Oh man, i must’ve squashed hundreds of those before i got the pheropod.


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“I’m sinking in the grain,
Just sinking in the grain.
What a glorious feelin’,
I’m happy again.”



One youtube comment suggests there’s a conveyer belt below, the pigeons shake themselves off, and are none the worse for wear. That seems plausible, but it seems just as equally plausible that the grain goes into trucks or railroad cars, and theres no chance for the birds to extricate themselves. In any case, the video clearly shows some birds flapping to safety, while others just make it to a more slowly moving patch of grain.

I think it’s plain that the pidgys don’t perceive a threat like they would a hawk or a dog. The way they keep landing on treacherous ground, only to take off again and again, well, it reminds me how American voters keep going to the polls every time, as if we believe it would make a difference.