Pilot sues Southwest after co-pilot allegedly locked the cockpit, got naked, and "committed a lewd act"

As an Aircraft Rescue Firefighter, I’m gonna just say you should never get on one of those flying coffins. Trust me. I don’t. shudder

Wanking pilots just add to the horror.


Reminds me of old RAF joke about a pilot test scenario: “You are flying the Prime Minister [Churchill at the time] from A to B at 20,000 feet in a hard left bank manoeuvre when he falls out of his seat against a door, which opens and he falls out, plunging to his death. What do you do?”

Answers ranged from “carry on to Brazil and disappear” to “crash into the nearest mountain” to “blame the mechanics for faulty maintenance of the door”

All pilots were failed. The correct answer, apparently, was something like “adjust rear ailerons to compensate for reduced weight in the rear cargo compartment”


Gives a new meaning to “cockpit.”

Too soon?


“Janning had never met Haak before August 2020, when she was his co-pilot on a flight from Philadelphia to Orlando.”


I was replying to the concept that how could someone ever do it as a prank. I agree it wasn’t a prank in this case.

Yeah, there is no way that a pilot masturbating in the cockpit of an airplane in flight in front of a copilot of any gender could possibly be a prank.


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