Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon turns 48 today

There’s a great moment of them in the studio where David Gilmour says, “This is a new riff I’m working on, might go on the next album…”


Gracias Mi Amigo! Throwing down of BBQ pulled pork for lunches today, and tonight fire up the hibachi for some grilling good times.


You’re probably right. I was waaaaaaaaay too young during that time to currently preach about proper nomenclature, and for that I apologize… But it was recorded “quadrAphonically” and that allowed for the multidimensional sound at home while listening to it that, say, “Interstellar Overdive” tried to accomplish with rotating speakers in stereo couldn’t.

I do bow to your point. Thank you for clarifying.

I never saw DSotM Live until Pulse, post-Waters, so I can’t speak to live shows at that time.

They sure as hell weren’t calling it “surround sound” at the time though.

yes, it is, but IMHO, only a few songs last over repeated listening many, many times, and once you watch the film it was created for things go downhill fast.

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