Pokemon demands $4000 from broke superfan who organized Pokemon party

Their zealousness makes more sense when you consider their rather rather strict policy regarding copyright infringers:

“Gotta catch 'em all!”


It took 2 days for someone to come up with this. I applaud you, but shame on the rest of us.


Be careful! The use of that phrase can cost you a pretty penny! :wink:

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Ask the internet, and ye shall receive…


My kids will be super bummed but I guess it is time for them to learn what a boycott is… Jerks!

Not that they will care, but I emailed a link to the ARS Technica article with a brief statement to that effect to "support@pokemon.com".

Ummm, except that is a particularly charmingly “bad” Charizard whose compatriots I would spend a not-insignificant amount of time viewing on a tumblr devoted to this particular style…

He should have just added a fair use clause to his party invite, raised the price of admission to $3 and called their bluff.

Pokemon is crap.

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