Polar bears are eager to know what a camera drone tastes like

I agree completely about the drone operator being a bit of an asshole, only backing up a few feet at a time. Gotta get that footage for the views, I guess.




Inadvisable. Feeding wild animals tends to train them they can depend on humans and can endanger them further when the humans aren’t around.

Much as documenting wildlife is important, I do question exhausting them like that when they need to hunt for their survival.


However, dropping in prey they are successful at hunting would mitigate that. Though you’d probably get bears that drool at the sound of drones…

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I’m with you on the concern trolling. But I have to admit, that was fantastic to watch. Drone operator got the footage, could have backed off after 30 seconds

For all we know, and I hope, these are healthy bears having some fun. I’ve let my Judging-a-Bear-from-Youtube-Footage certification lapse, so I’ll not analyse it further.

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I was thinking more that, if Polar Bears are really on the ragged edge of extinction, and people want to keep them around, without having them move south, into more settled areas, maybe feeding them with something that isn’t a human could be an option. Rather than putting them all in zoos.


Yep. Apologies for being a bit caviling. I’m by no stretch an expert on species conservation, but I agree we need to be better and more active stewards of our planet. @DukeTrout’s idea appeals to me. Also, entirely with you on zoos…all for wildlife reserves, but zoos are an ethical disaster.


My plan is, of course, highly impractical in a Capitalist Society; unless them goddarn lazy-ass Po-lar Bears can be made to pay for themselves. Maybe a reality game show like, “Prisoners vs Polar Bears”.


I kid. Mitch McConnell is too slow to mimic actual prey and Lindsey Graham contains none of the nutrients that polar bears need.

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