Police mistakenly pull black family out of car at gunpoint, put them on ground in handcuffs


A redditor who posted about this incident suggested that all registration plates in the US should start with the issuing states two character abbreviation, to reduce the risk of ambiguity and error in situations like this.

I guess a better example really is school integration in the middle of the last century. You could talk for years, and every reason they gave was applauded by the voting public in resisting states.

Eventually you have to stop talking and politely listening to racists, and just make change happen against their will.

So don’t talk to them!

Rocks don’t talk, but we figured them out.
Trees don’t talk, but we figured them out too.

Asking ‘why’ doesn’t have to mean engaging with the object of your hatred.
Ignoring ‘why’ means you’ll never escape them.

Also: unions are, in general, a good thing. Workers should be encouraged to organise.

That’s how it is in many countries. Registration numbers must be unique across the entire country, not just parts of it, otherwise what’s the point?

Police unions should be met with the RICO act. They actively profit from covering up crimes and work to keep career criminals on the payroll and their crimes out of the public eye. Collective bargaining be damned, they don’t deserve collective bargaining at this point in history.

We’re just going to have to disagree on that. We didn’t need to know why at Nuremberg. We owe people justice and safety, and they shouldn’t have to wait for us to understand. They’ve waited for centuries.

These actions must be criminalized without any question of whether or not they are justified. It’s tragic to even ask.


Its not if it can recognize it, its if it factors it into whether it throws an alert. I can easily see the design specs just calling for a comma separated list of numbers to match. Maybe somebody suggested it should be a bit fancier and also specify state and plate type… very believable they would be shot down in the name of performance or “KISS”.

We know for a fact they don’t care about false positives when making a stop, especially re POC - you think that doesn’t’ affect programming specs?

I’m pretty sure that most police in American cities would find the way police operate here in the U.K. incomprehensible. Here, cities still have actual police stations, but police aren’t armed, with the exception of specific armed response units, and large towns like where I live, population ~49,000, doesn’t even have a dedicated station any more, they share the local council offices.
This doesn’t alter the fact that there are still too many examples of racism and brutality in certain forces, one in particular, the SPG, part of the Met (London Metropolitan Police) had a reputation for being heavy-handed. Things are improving, but there’s still a long way to go.


No mistake here. They were African American after all.

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The TSG replaced them and continued their reputation



That’s some mistake


The misidentified plate wasn’t the main problem it was the treatment following that. Making misidentified plates less likely is fine but that doesn’t address being stopped for a broken tail light, “erratic driving”, because a car of the same color was reported used in a crime, or any number of other reasons.

In terms of misidentifying plates I’m not sure what triggered this. If it was automated license plate scanners then maybe the problem is that when the computer says “stolen vehicle” roid raging cops lose the ability to tell motorcycles from SUVs. In that case we probably just have to ban license plate readers.


Well, now, I presume the mistake is actually hiring racists, putting them in positions where they have the power of life and death, and arming them.
I supposed seeing Black people triggered a blindness in the cops that prevented them from seeing the vehicle correctly, making them see innocent (other than being Black) people in an SUV as opposed to some sort of felons on a motorcycle.
There is nothing correct in the linked story: Not the hiring of these scumbags, not the failure to supervise, not the failure not to cowtow to police “unions”.


Some smaller municipalities in the U.S. don’t bother with a police force and send calls to the county sheriff’s office instead. But then again, the whole reason for incorporating as a city is often that the local merchants and landowners want their own thugs.


Do cops ever read/listen to the info before going gung-ho?

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