Police: No, a corpse doesn't count toward the HOV lane passenger minimum

I assume you’re white male?

Cuz that’s just not how a lot of other people can even begin to think about how to act around LEOs.


This just makes me want to dress up as a mannequin and sit in the passenger seat of hov lane drivers. Two can play this game!


Indeed. I’m not likely to get shot by a cop, even if I don’t show them the utmost respect that they seem to demand from non-whites.

The nearest HOV lanes are 90 minutes away so I don’t feel personally threatened. But when we cruise Sacratomato’s highways and see all the vehicles NOT in a 2+ person lane, I feel sad. So many folks with no friends. Driving alone says you’re a luzer. Better take along a corpse for company.

Otherwise you are self loading cargo.


So someone transporting a very sick relative or child who is lying down, the sick person doesn’t count?



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