“Sex on the tombstones” sounds like either a drink or diner slang for a grilled cheese with tomato.
I hope I can be useful enough in the afterlife to offer folks a good place to bone. I don’t see what the big problem is.
while i have no problem with randy folk gettin busy on my grave, they will need scuba gear. my final rest will be Neptune’s Necropolis
If the tombstone’s rockin’, somebodys’ knockin…?
I have just ordered a mausoleum with an inside bolt on the door and left money in my will to keep the condom dispenser replenished in perpetuity.
So what I’m hearing is we may be forbidden entrance if my partners and I are heading into the cemetery while wearing sundresses. Bummer. After a Dork Tower comic back in June, we were actually eyeing the Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery in the outskirts of Midlothian, IL. Apparently we’re not the only ones of have had that idea, though!
I’m a total body donor, with a secondary option for cremation if that isn’t possible (or for whatever is left after the harvest) so having a flat surface available for others isn’t really an option for me, otherwise I’d say put me on the list.
I kind of like the idea of people humping on my last resting place. Putting this in my will.
Stoner rock album, man. It’s fucking heavy.
(Have you bought a plot yet?)
Realistically no. Burn me to ashes and chuck the remains off a cliff, i don’t need to take up land that could be used by the living
Carlos Gardel, who popularized Tango, got laid before he died, and now just lords it over us all in death
I’m gonna get my name printed on on my tombstone in mirror writing; being debossed into people’s asses will allow my name to live on well after i’m gone.
Hey, man, being in a graveyard brings up all kinds of feelings.
Finally the police are doing something about Mary Shelley.
This may sound disrespectful to the dead and buried, but it sounds like cemeteries are a waste of space that could instead by used for activities people want to do. The problem the police are trying to solve isn’t really a problem.
So just like most every other day of the week, then?
This forms an infinite loop with @tcg550 post on the Victor Noir effigy.