Police says pro-Trump group plans to attack U.S. Capitol today



Lesson learned: I need to check my white privilege from time to time. Sorry :frowning:


I didn’t respond hoping to make you feel bad. I think it’s pretty common that people (especially privileged people, as you say) don’t recognize how their individual experiences differ from those of people around them who go through the world in different colored or different gendered bodies. And I think it’s never too late to shake off the blinders and try to do better. Good luck!


There can be multiple terms, and multiple terms have been used for them - domestic terrorists, traitors, insurrectionists, murderers, etc.


Osama bin Laden didn’t give a fuck about American culture, he wanted Americans out of Saudi Arabia

but this is probably not a good thing to be arguing about today

We can all make our points without putting words in the mouth of yesterday’s boogeyman


I absolutely thing they were hunting them. And that by killing, or at least evicting them, there wouldn’t be a next crop. They weren’t trying to pressure the government through threats. They were actively hunting down our government with intent to do harm and effect a different government.

Because I don’t think it was a threat. They were actively trying to do what they said they’d do.

And so do insurrectionists and traitors. That’s what they are.

I’m not sure why everyone wants so badly to call them terrorist. It’s a less serious charge.

This is a very valuable thing I have gained from being a member of this community. An awareness of how my “normal, lived experience” is not typical of the lived experience of so many of those around me. Don’t feel bad that you have learned something new, be joyful that you are more educated than you were beforehand and go forward trying to put that knowledge into practice. I have been taken to school a couple times by folks here and am eternally grateful for it. It makes me a better person!


Looks like the whole thing fizzled out, then. Good. I hope the disappointment leads to more and more of the QAnon followers rethinking things and leaving.


wow! that looks like he just about doubled the size of his first inauguration.


I tend to think of “terrorism” as acts of violence targeting civilians in a unexpected, seemingly random way, Bombings of crowded railway stations and shopping malls, random mass shootings, etc. They are not trying to take over any territory, they are just trying to destroy at random, and instill fear in civilians that they could be attacked or killed anywhere, at any time. I’d include things like airline hijackings (in the 1970’s sense) here as well, since they were not interested in capturing the airplane so much but just wanting to terrorize the civilian passengers and have hostages to bargain with.

When it’s a large crowed of quasi-military [wannabes?] organize and storm a location (especially a government one) and try to take it over and target government officials, then that has moved into a different category (armed insurrection, military attack). No longer random (as they often announce their intentions and targets ahead of time) and are not targeting civilians and locations at random, but are targeting the government itself. Granted, there’s a lot of overlap in the perpetrators in this case (many of whom are from groups that also perform terrorism, such as when they go do mass murders of people in schools, nightclubs, or churches, or attack individuals of ethnic groups they disapprove of). But the “march on the capital” and similar have become traitorous quasi-military excursions, rather then terrorism. So “armed insurrection” seems like a better term. At least that’s the way I see it.

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