Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/06/shots-fired-inside-u-s-capitol-images-show-officers-with-weapons-drawn.html
Good Lord. It’s ‘Idiocracy’, but with less sense.
Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
We’ve been talking about something like this since November, but it’s still a shock to see it actually happening.
To Donald Trump and the GOP: you made this happen. This is all you.
Yep. You reap what you sow, motherfuckers. I cannot even feel bad about this, AND I’m super pissed at how we’re treading with kid gloves around these assholes in ways that weren’t done when BLM was protesting. I’d like to see some mass arrests, felony charges, lost voting and gun-toting rights, and the start of a domestic terror crackdown. Time to put this shit to bed.
Probably the only upside is that this should (SHOULD) sink Der Cheeto’s chances at any future Republican backing. One would hope.
I hope the woman survives, but I can just imagine the anger and outrage this one shooting is going to produce in the alt-right, despite the same thing happening to their opponents for literally generations with far less justification (or none at all). Not so fun when you’re finally the one on the wrong side of the policeman’s gun, is it? It could be an opportunity for them to learn empathy for others, but I’m not holding my breath.
It’s not a beer hall putsch but it’s definitely the solid start of the open acceptance of American fascism. I wouldn’t be surprised come 2024 we’ll have a literal neo-Nazi or white nationalist running for President under the Republican Party ticket.
Serious question: Does anybody know where the ballots/votes from the electoral college are?
I also hope it ends the talk about joining hands and singing Kumbaya with the people who supported and enabled this. They’re not ready for that stage yet, and neither are we. There are too many problems to be solved and protections that need to be put in place first.
The larger picture here also is just how easy it was for this to happen. Kill all the opposition? Hold the entire senate hostage until demands are met? Yea, it could happen now apparently. And the hundreds of photos and video that went all over the internet means anyone has intimate details of the building as well as how the senators were evacuated to their ‘secret location’.
Considering there was also a threat made on the Capital airspace, I’m highly irritated that more effort wasn’t made to protect the whole area. Ridiculous.
And sadly, the dem’s entreaties to play nice are just going to sound like weakness to the asshole squad.
Motherfucking T-Rump just spoke, and weaselier words were never spoken. What a total piece of shit.
Covid is also a factor; those idiots who stormed the capitol today may not still be around 4 years from now.
No. Let’s stop acting like this isn’t serious or they are just bumpkins. They are shooting people and trying to take over the US capitol building. They know what they are doing and they have ever intention of installing Trump as the American president for life and ending democracy as we know it.
Mitt Romney has it 100% right here:
This is what is happening.
Not likely. It’s 1% death rate overall. But now the ENTIRE capitol building has to be cleaned for potential Covid exposure.
It’s a good question. The answer has only come out recently:
She didn’t.
We’ve been talking about something like this since June 2016ish.
This is letter for letter the warning that was levied when the GOP didn’t press him out of the primaries.
If only John Smith from The Dead Zone had been there when we needed him…
Seriously, I’m sure the history books will be full of the many failures of the GOP that brought us to the low point we’ve reached now. I’m really hoping this is the low point, and that they remove him before it gets any worse.