"Political Correctness"


Yeah, that’s pretty much the history of Conservative politics in the United States.


The thing is it comes off very ‘all men are-’ and then just tearing off at the rails. I get this is largely directed at asshats looking for an excuse to shove folks around but to be blunt. This entire thread feels like a giant circlejerk that if you flipped the genders around would come off really goddamned rude. IE guys going on at how catty women are, or how all darkies are… whatever.

That’s just my take on the whole thing and I realize I’m about to get eaten alive. I just felt the need to toss my two bits in knowing it won’t mean a damned thing.

Oh, we know this happens continuously for you, your rhetoric makes this obvious.

If you want it to mean a damn thing, try a sincere curiosity in how you come off and why people may take your stance poorly versus going direct on the attack.

When saying “NOT ALL MEN ARE DICKS” it also helps to not say dickish things in your posts. Judging you for poor quality posts is not like calling you a “darkie”. You are not ignorant directly because you are white but your persecution complex comes from being held by some to a standard you refuse to accept. Instead of being a better person, you’d rather brat out and fall back on “edgy” statements.


Yes yes, the NOT ALL MEN protest.

I’m a man. I usually manage to avoid getting too butthurt over that kind of thing. If I ever end up living in a society where we men are actually at a disadvantage to other groups then I might take up the cry. Until then, chillax.

“That would be sexist/racist if you swapped genders/races” is usually a silly thing to say, because power imbalance is an inherent part of systemic sexism and racism. You can’t divorce it from context. That’s why creating scholarship programs to help women and minorities is OK but creating scholarship programs specifically to help straight white males isn’t.


Quite right ‘not all men are-’ because I’m currently at the whims and mercy of my family, and assuming I manage to get out from under that rock I’ve got a huge rock to have to carry just to keep up with everyone else. So no not all men have the same structure they grew up in, raised by, have to live under. Just like anyone else.

So making generalizations is pretty shitty to do. My core argument is political correctness itself can be used the same as any other social norm to club a group the major concensus does not like with. Generally this is the overly conservative that more or less use the rest of the world/non-WASP population as punching bags to make themselves feel better.

However you run the real risk of stooping to the same behavior, which is generally what my fear is. Not the stupid ‘oh hey let’s make the rich/white/whoever do all our menial stuff.’ it’s more a generalized ‘meet the new boss same as the old’ type scenario, you people are better than this.

So Laugh. Point. Joke. Have your fun. Just make sure the thing you hate isn’t the thing your’e becoming in the process. Because that isn’t the world i want my niece to grow into either.


This isn’t about you. I’m sorry if you’re offended that people are talking about their experiences with sexism and racism and that it’s something we wish to bring to an end in our culture. However, no one called you out personally, nor did anyone call “all men” out. We’re talking about social structures, that none of us personally created, but that we all live within and must deal with - just that some people bear a heavier burden of these structures than others. Just because you may not be directly impacted, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or that it’s just some “PC” nonsense meant to shame men. Far from it, it’s meant to give people a voice who historically have not had one, or at least one that’s equally valued by society.

If we can’t talk about these problems, in an honest way, then they will never be fixed and they will continue to impact all of us. If you don’t think there is a problem with sexism/racism, you can not engage in these posts, or maybe politely say you disagree with us and leave it at that. If you are seriously interested in hearing what people who are impacted, on a daily basis by these things, and actually seeking out a solution that allows us to be treated as equal human beings, then please engage.


None of us is doing that. None. We’re taking your comments seriously and giving our answers to that. We take this stuff seriously because it is our lives and well-being we’re talking about here. We’d much rather have you on this side, not the other. But that’s your choice to make. If I can’t convince that a strong stance against sexism/racism is in your best interest as well as mine, well… I don’t know what to tell you man, other than best of luck.


I am also a man and I would rather try to figure out how women want to be treated? Stamping feet and TAKING THE SIDE OF THE DOUCHEBAGS against women when you were never enlumpened with them to begin with? I guess that’s the “good” sort of “identity politics”.

If he’s “not all men”, he sure goes out of his way to tar every woman as a “Tumblrina”. But that’s fair and okay because who cares how another person gets treated, it’s all about him!


Read the rest of the post.

You people sounda lot like the racist dickwads you’re pissed off about. That’s my fear and point of poking my head into the proverbial hornet’s nest.

Whereas women…

You pop in and shit on threads, you lack a great deal of insight into your own mind and why you’re so angry. Think more before giving this reactionary spew, if you’re not here to trolley.


Pathetic. You’ve already decided how everyone else thinks and acts, and of course you’re right (no matter how anyone here actually thinks or acts).

This is exactly the sort of behavior that is part of the problem.

Can you explain yourself clearly, in such a way that others might be able to see some new wisdom they’ve never thought of before? Don’t blame others for not understanding you, or not agreeing with you. Can YOU create a cogent argument for your beliefs?


Ring ring. Hi pot it’s for you. Kettle says your’e black.

If you ever want people (men and women) to stop rolling their eyes at you, try empathizing with others who may not be like you.

I am a man and feel that I am rightly judged by my words. This is not a bad thing.

You are not being judged because you are a man. You are being judged for being dickish, that you are male is related to the content of your rhetoric, but it is certainly not a reason for you to be saying these dumb things.


Dude… she just asked to you codify your world view for us. Why not treat people who are actually honestly engaging you here with a modicum of respect, instead of assuming a defensive posture straight off.


I find this funny.


My mom, a life-time Republican, once quite a job because, as she said to us, she didn’t want to work for somebody that used “Feminist” as an insult.

She didn’t quit immediately, she found another job, first.

She has already said she will not vote for Trump due to his treatment of women (she also didn’t vote for Nixon the second time, apparently, as she has described my father as “the sort of boob who voted for Nixon twice”. My dad has already said he’s probably going to sit this election out, for the first time. Eh, it’s something!).


Like the phrase “white trash” – the adjective is there because it’s so surprising that this sort of behavior is coming from someone white.


Why don’t you take some time to think things through.

Well, since you’re being so polite and all…

Seriously, if you feel the need to come into somebody’s living room and tell them that their party is a shit party and their sofa is really ugly and that you know they’ll totally bag on you for saying so, why don’t you take some time to think about the choices you are making in life?


Just because he says you’re acting like a racist dickwad in a circle-jerk that won’t listen to other viewpoints doesn’t mean that he’s being rude!


Except you’re kinda doing the exact same xenophobic behaviors you rail against.

I am not conforming ot the echo chamber so I must both be wrong and stupid. This puts me fairly squarely on the defensive from the pistol bang because I’ve seen this behavior time and again. Now i’m not the most well worded of people, but still… to be met with immediate dismissive ridicule, and you expect me to be the one to not feel put out by the whole sorted mess all while the finger gets shoved in my face?

How would you feel in my position, because let’s be honest. You’d be just as annoyed by the entire experience.

None of you from what I’ve seen are the white toga’d paragons of reason and fairness you wish to paint yourselves as. Your’e showing that because I do not conform to the mob’s mentality I must be ridiculed, made fun of, demeaned, and then dismissed as not worth the time of day and then start blaming me for feeling bent out o shape.

I went in knowing that trying to disrupt a circlejerk is going to end up with at the very least a pie to the face. Still. It is something I feel had ot be tried because it’s a whirlwind that reenforces itself and you kinda really are acting like xenophobic asshats. Doesn’t matter your gender, creed, whatever.

As for ‘coming into somebody’s livingroom.’ Hi. I’m also a regular here. I’ve been here since before the BBS and registered inside the first month (probably within the first few days but I’ve had net issues in the past.) Point is this isn’t so much ‘your livingroom’ as ‘Hi I kinda live here too and I’m feeling a bit bent out of shape by what’s going on in the livingroom while I’m in the kitchen making a sandwich.’