Politico grossly misrepresents Kamala Harris

Originally published at: Politico grossly misrepresents Kamala Harris - Boing Boing


She didn’t evade squat. She answered that question with every bit of the focused analysis, nuance, and careful forethought that it deserved.


Not to mention that it wasn’t even a question, just a statement.


If Político didn’t have the owner it did, it would still spin it this way. The outlet always presents politics primarily as soap-opera drama and mud fights and gotchas instead of as means to various productive ends.

Anyone who works there should be ashamed.


I remember years ago Politico had a hit piece of Kamala Harris for having the temerity to use wired earbuds (as opposed to bluetooth). Apparently she was doing so over concerns the bluetooth data stream might not be secure enough, but even if the concern was unfounded, what’s wrong with wired earbuds? I can’t take Politico seriously.


What Trump does when he doesn’t want to answer a question, is attack the interviewer, like he did at the Black Women’s Journalism. It’s a personal attack as well, “you are not very nice” To the point that we forget the question. Worse his supporters think he is a fighter, but he is really just a ass hole.






Tan Suit of listening.


This seemed like a question intended only to be a gotcha moment so the media could spin it with headlines like, “Harris calls Trump racist!” or otherwise capitalize on any criticism as being a big headline that R’s could turn into another “basket of deplorables” non-troversy.

She didn’t fall for the bait. She saw right through this nonsense and brushed it aside about as perfectly as possible.


I can’t believe a stupid joke I made has come true, with the exception of predicting that the NYT would do the “what is she hiding?” bit based on that asinine question. I’m…so sorry. No more jokes about the depths these losers will go to. Hyperbole-as-humor falls apart when it just becomes regular fact.


As Tom Lehrer said, “political satire died when they gave Henry Kissinger the Nobel peace prize.”


Maybe I’m confused here, but who is this fascist German who allegedly owns Politico, according to the Bluesy links?

I mean, Axel Springer died in 1985, Politico is owned by Axel Springer SE, which is a publishing company, partly owned by Springer’s wife Friede Springer, and the CEO is Mathias Döpfner

Make no mistake, the English wikipedia pages about Frau Springer and Herr Döpfner do a very good job at hiding the fact that both of them are on the very far right of the political spectrum, and they are major assholes, too, so calling either of them a fascist would be spot on.

But the linked Bluesky threads appear to confuse things quite a bit, making it look like Axel Springer came back from the dead.


Time to repost the Max Goldt quote about Bild, the original Axel Springer publication

“Die Bild-Zeitung ist ein Organ der Niedertracht. Es ist falsch, sie zu lesen. Jemand, der zu dieser Zeitung beiträgt, ist gesellschaftlich absolut inakzeptabel. Es wäre verfehlt, zu einem ihrer Redakteure freundlich oder auch nur höflich zu sein. Man muß so unfreundlich zu ihnen sein, wie es das Gesetz gerade noch zuläßt. Es sind schlechte Menschen, die Falsches tun.”

“Bild is a publication of craven infamy. It is wrong to read it. Anyone contributing to this newspaper is entirely unacceptable to society. It would be a mistake to be nice towards one of its editors, or even to be polite. One has to be as unfriendly towards them as the law just about allows. They are bad people who do wrong.”


Prosecutor. She prepares well and also has the instincts and experience to avoid traps. She seems like the kind of person we want to represent us on the world stage.


According to Michael Jürgs, in the summer of 1957, Springer had an… episode… where he thought he was the reborn Messiah. His family and close friends stashed him away at the family’s summer home in Sylt and screened him from the public. Apparently, fellow publisher Ernst Rohwohlt who also had a summer home in Sylt managed to talk Springer out of it.

Tangent to the tangent: in 1958, on his own initiative, Springer went to Moscow for talks with Nikita Khrushchev and tried to convince him of the benefits of a reunificated, but neutral, Germany and a social market economy. The talks didn’t go well.


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