Poop donator explains the human side of fecal transplants

Marie Myung-Ok-Lee in the New York Times: I delivered my first donation, in Tupperware, and Gene took it into the privacy of his bathroom. I stayed, just in case I was needed, and after about half an hour, he came out and told me, with a look of wonder, that he was feeling better already.… READ THE REST

inb4 donor vs donator

Ah, apparently a relinguistic issue…

Though I could understand “detonator” if fecal transplants of bean eaters are involved.


Nevertheless, 'tis better to give than to receive.

Pooping back and forth. Forever.


I don’t know if I would ever go through with this procedure, despite my own small struggle with my intestines. But I wish the FDA and medical community would figure out some sane and safe rules on how it should all work legally, so its not such a burden to go through this procedure as it currently is.


[body is invalid. try to be a little more descriptive]

I see what you did there.

I have difficulty with nasal polyps. I wonder if a booger transplant would help.

Sorry. I couldn’t help myself.


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