Originally published at: Pornhub comments turned into Heathcliff cartoon captions | Boing Boing
Can we put Hustler culture to rest?
This genius gets extra points for going with the poor man’s version of Garfield.
*nerd voice*
Heathcliff actually predates Garfield by about half a decade.
If Garfield is Oreos, Heathcliff is Hydrox.
Pornhub has comments?
Who scrolls down that far?
I’m pretty aware of pornography trends (standard disclaimer: this is for work!) but the idea of a comments section linked to porn is just so damned bizarre to me. It’s the strangest form of water cooler chat.
Only in terms of chronology. I was talking more about quality, specifically in terms of re-purposing for memes. Garfield has been used for some deep and dark existential stuff; Heathcliff is perfectly suited to this use.
Some of the content is by individual performers, and the comments do provide feedback/encouragement. Some of it isn’t as gross as expected. Okay, maybe a little bit of it…
I missed the entertainment value, some how…
Probably legal and all it seems a little wrong to take an artists work and do this to it.
Heathcliff has gotten surreal enough by itself and doesn’t need help.
ETA Here’s a fun history of Heathcliff and also Poparena’s whole series is great for anyone interested in Nickelodeon.
Well, this totally justifies Twitter’s existence.
Well, the concept is funny, but the results not even remotely so.