I think the reason why your debate with this libertarian (do you actually even know what that means?)
Is there a libertarian guide for this procedure? When all else fails… resort to a trite, insulting, distracting, semantic argument on what libertarianism means.
Sorry, but I’m not falling for it.
you have proven yourself incapable of forming a cogent thesis.
Blatant projection.
Nor have you demonstrated the ability to understand the issue outside your current paradigm
Reality isn’t my created paradigm, but thank you for assuming I’m God-like. 
a person who has so indoctrinated themselves in a system of fantasy as to be incapable of reason. You fail to see the assumptive nature of your dogma. … I submit it is you who are living in the fantasy world … Your logic is strained to the point of hilarity here. … It’s all very childish. Take stock man. I think you are in conflict with yourself.
Yet more blatant projection.
would rather keep beating your partisan drum for your hatred of Republicans and how not voting creates more of them.
I’ve explained to you repeatedly how I’m not a partisan, but you refuse to address it… at all. You don’t even entertain my own concept of myself and who I am as a person and what I believe.
That’s amazingly pretentious and the very example of rigid thinking that you profess to loathe.
Also, stating facts backed up with evidence and American history that clearly shows how “not voting” ushers in more Republicans that thwart future third party growth isn’t beating a partisan drum.
How is wanting third parties (I haven’t even named) to unseat both Democrats and Republicans beating a partisan drum? You’re being delusional again.
Any real world alternative to voting is something you see as harmful since it ushers in more Republicans.
That’s your over-simplistic mentality speaking again. The problem is you haven’t offered any real world alternative to voting. If you offered a real world alternative to voting that can work within our current reality and it wouldn’t have the negative effects of creating more wars and losses of civil rights, etc. – Then I’d be all for it.
But you haven’t offered any real world alternative. Just platitudes, insults against my intelligence to not be able to comprehend your genius (or libertarian books) and an unhealthy aversion to suppositions based upon evidence. And, throwing out a percentage that was completely wrong and using it as false evidence while never having the dignity to even admit that mistake and move on from it (and maybe even learn from it as well).
You dismiss alternate views as unicorns and platitudes without giving reason.
That’s delusional. I’ve given you reasons repeatedly and, unlike you, I see the need to back up my reasons with evidence, American history, etc.
You actually argue that by not participating in a thing one becomes responsible for harm done by that thing.
No, that’s an over-simplistic, delusional distortion of my arguments. If you want to see what I actually argue, go back and read my posts.
Do you really expect anyone to take that seriously?
An over-simplistic, delusional distortion of my arguments? Of course not.
Basically, you are saying that everyone who doesn’t vote Democrat is evil
No, that’s an over-simplistic, delusional distortion of my arguments. If you want to see what I actually argue, go back and read my posts here and within the previous thread that includes voting for third parties among many other externalities I’ve mentioned that didn’t involve calling anyone “evil” for not voting for Democrats.
Why continue to resort to over-simplistic drivel? Between this and the ever increasing insults, you’re really embarrassing yourself.
I tried, I really did
That delusional. You didn’t try. See above where I mention that you keep telling me what I believe instead of listening to my own opinion on myself, for example.
you simply aren’t up to the task of presenting your thoughts in a logical manner.
If presenting suppositions based upon evidence isn’t logical in your fantastical world, then you’re correct, I’m not up to the task.
Assumptive conclusions aren’t actually thesis. … Are there any adults in the room?
I didn’t present conclusions for the most part. I presented suppositions based upon evidence.
Meanwhile, you seem more interested in attacking my mental abilities than my ideas and evidence I present. Or, rather, once your attack of my evidence failed miserably, you’ve now resorted to a full-blown, infantile, tirade against me personally.
Sorry, but that kind of distraction doesn’t work on me. Provide evidence.
I’m still waiting for your evidence. And not anything based upon fictitious percentages and the like that you pompously refuse to account for.
you don’t seem like someone I should waste my time engaging with.
You’d clearly be happier within a libertarian message board where everyone will mirror or parrot back your own baseless platitudes to you.