Post your Pet or animal Pics (Part 1)


Mr. Floof wants me to stop working.


Awwww! I’m going to read that as Mr. Floof also wanting me to stop working and will happily comply.
I find him quite convincing.


He can be very persuasive. Particularly when he plops all 15 pounds of floof on my hands and keyboard. If he ever starts doing the begging-by-purr like one of the others the combo will kill me.


A photo competition in Spain.

The Associação de Amigos do Museu de Ciências Naturais de Álava in collaboration with the School of Arts and Crafts of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Sociedade Fotográfica Alavesa announces VI Edição do Concurso de Fotografia de Natureza PHOTOformas.

We expect a large number of artists in this edition whose works will consolidate PHOTOforms as a relevant competition within the world of naturalistic photography.

The admission of works deadline is from October 20 to November 22 and the value of prizes, 1,300 euros.


Here’s a photo of our resident mouser who’s been patrolling the compound for mice. I decided to start feeding her, because she seems a little small. She immediately cozied up to me, with kneading, rubbing, and loud purring. I wish I could let her in, but I’m dealing with two cats already, and a kitten who comes over to be babysat.
We’re thinking of names. I like Parches (Patches), but my neighbor likes Pinta (Paint).


New cat tree…



Aww! :heart_eyes: You did hide the box, right? :pouting_cat:


It looks very soft!


Let the shedding commence!


How do you think it got so plush?



That looks super plush! Your kittehs are totes spoiled. (Here I thought we were over trained because we feed our kittehs human-grade packet tuna on the regular.)


They are. They have three now: this new one in my office, the old one was moved to the master bedroom during work on the house and has stayed next to the new glass slider there, as that’s the best Kitty TV (looks out on all the bird feeders), and Kitty Gondor which is still in the living room.

They only eat dry kibbles, though, we’ve been pretty consistent about that. Although Niko has discovered butter, and Nori will filtch the occasional piece of lunchmeat off of the Ratel kit’s unattended plate.


Just came up on Go Comics:


And suddenly I feel like we need more cat trees.


For a while we held off with dreams of maker-project cat trees and cat walkways with shelving and the like, but eventually we realized that we could barely get the laundry done on any given week, and we’d probably spend more money in materials than we’d pay for packaged ones. They are heavily used, so we feel pretty good about the investment.

They actually ignored it in favor of the tree! We do sort of wonder if they ship these things after dousing them with catnip.


Wow, human food virgins! We’re always curious about what they will eat. Our last collection included a girl who cried if she didn’t get some broccoli or pea pods while we we preparing to cook, would totally steal any flavor Dorito when you weren’t looking, and she totally lived popcorn, the lot was nuts for yogurt, the boy was a total butter fiend, and other girl had a serious love of pepper jack (other cats wouldn’t touch it).

Current cats will eat yogurt, some cheeses, and raw or cooked fish. Verdict is still out on the kitten, he seems very interested in climbing into the fridge to sample the wares, but hasn’t gotten in there yet. 7.5 months old, already 10 lbs and longer than our largest adult male. He’s quite the adventure so far.


Can confirm. Husband built a nice sturdy but basic one a few years back, and the materials cost more than buying a fancy one. And after all that effort, only one of the three cats actually likes it.


I don’t know why, but Tasha totally eschews yogurt, while the others go nuts for it.


oi! my luv, ChiliDog Cat, won’t deign to touch nasty fish! raw or cooked. oh, she gets interested just sniffing at fish, cheese, anything but chicken - (she loves chicken).
and here I am, catching the freshest fish, cleaning and preparing and cooking lovely grouper, mahi, tuna and snapper right off the reef and there’s Chili, goin’ all “eeww, gross. it’s like raw! this doesn’t eeeven taste like chicken. gross, get that away from me!” (yes, my cat is a petulant, teenage girl-child and I have enabled her atrocious behavior. I am a bad dad - just ask my actual daughter).
@Ratel , ChiliDog won’t climb “kitty condo” cat trees, nor will she use the $40 scratching post (she prefers the crating pulpboard that multi-dozen eggs come in, or the like).
your kittehs are lovely, healthy and obviously loved!
here’s ChiliDog the shithead in visual (since this is post your pet pic thread):

that, Ladies, Gentlemen, Happy Mutants all, is the face of a murderess! you can see in her eyes in this very moment of capture, she is sizing up the first fleshy bits of my face she will eat before I even know she’s attacked!
my sweet little murder kitteh