ETA Teenage Mutant Tai-Chi Turtle.
It seemed like a good idea at the time…
(No worries, this was not as dangerous as it might look. Other Cat is a known menace to herself and the item when it comes to plastic bags, so we don’t leave them out. She moved fast to wriggle into this right after Kiddo emptied it, and I removed it from her right after taking the picture.)
As my dearly departed mother in law would say “he’s just full of the dickens.”
Old Man was into everything in the RV today. He’s gonna fall and break a hip one day.
The buck is a little less depressed now. He’ll jump up on the furniture every so often, and he’s a little more active. We’ve also noticed a big personality change in him. He much more cuddly now, and enjoys being scritched and massaged more than before. He gets very sad when no one is home, and is excited to see us when we return.
He also doesn’t want to explore on his own, but stick close to us when he’s outside. He still likes being outside, but he doesn’t like being alone.
Here he is cuddling and grooming himself. He never did this before the doe’s passing. Now he cuddles all the time.
Niece found an old jumbo toad.
Said it had pretty shiny golden eyes.
Told her that she should have made a wish before releasing it just in case it was magic.
We decided to extend our long weekend one more day, glad we did.
We took a 10 mile bike ride through some trails and came across a starling nest in a shelter along the trail.
We hung out for a while and watched the babies get fed. There was a flock of starlings, we were surprised they didn’t try and chase us away.
I don’t think that’s a starling. Looks like a swallow or a house martin
I think the red throat marks it as a swallow. That type of mud nest is very typical of them and martins too.
Our decision to stay one more night paid off at sunset. We peddled about 30 miles on our bikes this weekend looking for deer.
Little baby took a break from playing to get a drink from mommy.
This is my favorite.
A member of family Otariidae lounging in San Diego. Using the common name will get you held for moderation here
Snowy Egrets. Not the best picture, but I have no rEgrets.
Pigeon teen has learned to fly. My cats are hunting it in their minds