That duck is up to something.
Jawa says different.
You skipped The Fall Guy, I take it.
My fluffy guy in front of the blossoming plum tree. He usually doesn’t like being photographed, but was in a fine mood yesterday.
He did make that word up, it’s just gained some popularity as a result. There is nothing about the word that actually involves watching, and fear of ducks would otherwise be nettophobia or anatiphobia, with no need to throw in the biological family suffix -idae.
He made up thagomizer too, but that hasn’t stopped paleontologists from adopting it.
Great word.
That the paleontologists have run with it, well, it says everything, doesn’t it…
Black woodpeckers. I see them fairly often during forest walks, just never for long enough to take photos. But today I got to photograph two females engaged in territorial dispute. Most of the time they just sat on opposite sides of a tree trunk, unnervingly still and silent, like in the first photo, and then occasionally they’d get closer and twist their necks at each other while making noises. Don’t know who won.
Bonus animal post today:
This little guy was in my garage just now. King snake, I think. Moved it outside to my back yard to grow big and eat rodents (and possibly other snakes).
Nice! We had a rat snake… er, snek… on my back deck this week… Had to have been like 3 feet long! I did not get a good pic of the danger noodle, before he took the stairs down to the backyard…
My boss has a doorbell cam pic she showed me recently. Late at night her cam goes off saying someone’s at the front door, she checked and there’s a 5ft rat snake crawling up her door and up a light fixture on the wall Thankfully she didn’t accidentally open the door on it or kill it after she saw it.
Ding-dong! Danger noodle at the door!!!