Baby robin calling for it’s breakfast this morning.
My wife called me over and said look at this.
In what world is that comfortable? He’s half way out of his house.
Mr. Indoor Feral and his mom.
For a second I read that title as “Attract birds With Bloodbaths”
It depends on the birds…
We have a birdbath—well, it’s a shallow ceramic saucer for a planter that is on top of a tree stump—and a hummingbird feeder in our back yard. I’m responsible for the feeder and my husband takes care of the birdbath. As soon as he fills it up in the morning, all the little birds go to town!
I was just wondering this morning if there is a general bird call out that the bath is ready? Because as soon as he fills the saucer, between 10-20 little ones will suddenly arrive. Once the little guys are finished, the doves will arrive and take their turn. Only two today, but we once we had some crazy amount of doves sitting on the grass, patiently waiting their turn.
Niece’s husband had an otterly adorable fishing partner yesterday.
I’m assuming Superior, WI (she just said it was Lake Superior)
Fish score for the evening: Otter: 1 Jimmy: 0
I think the ducks in the first pic are the same ones I posted a couple of weeks ago and that mama has lost a couple of the ducklings.
A couple of minutes after I took the photos, the adult from the first photo grabbed one of the ducklings from the second photo by the neck and started shaking it.
This led to a short, surprisingly violent fight with the other mama duck. In the end, no one seemed hurt, and everyone retired to different parts of the pond .
I suspect birds keep one eye on each other. If one bird is up to something then others will come to check it out.
My mom used to put food out for stray cats. After the local pigeons caught onto this they would all flock to the buffet.
(Sorry about the image quality; it was taken years ago with a low-spec cellphone camera.)
Exhausted from playing outside yesterday morning.
It was starting to get hot, so he “purred” when I brought him back indoors.