He pulls it open with his paw and crawls in, the door closes behind him. Normally he just knocks everything out but today he crawled in.
Yes. The photos of birds are Very good. Crisply sharp ones!
He was hiding himself so you could hunt for him and find him on Easter morning
It’s a wonder he didn’t figure out a way to dye his fur in bright colors…
My wife dyed eggs last night, we had to really keep an eye on him so that didn’t happen.
Oooh Temptations green flavor (catnip and others). That is like crack to kitties.
So elegant and patient. He was very smart standing in the shade.
Sudden heavy snowfall today and we caught our Cardinal in the back yard.
My wife is now campaigning for that telephoto lens for her birthday…
Buy her one and a tripod too!
Cool. The Photo is almost B&W except for the dash of red of the birb.
After years watching cartoons, I always thought every bird in US would travel south before the winter.
birds must be tougher, these guys are around all year. It’s hard to get a shot in heavy snow and it was a rush to find the good camera before he decided it was too much attention.
My bad.
Kitties enjoying the cat grass.
The perspective on this one makes her look ginormous instead of just the big kitty she is
I love how the carpet also makes her look like a ginormous sea creature attacking an island, if you use your imagination.
There’s your Christmas/Winter Holidays card right there!