Goal: Come up with a splendid turn of phrase for which there are no exact google results.
Background: since twitter has grown and grown, I’ve found it more and more likely that, for any witticism I might form, there would be some version of prior art. I don’t know how this has been covered in sci-fi (and I’d love to read versions of this futurism), but it’s definitely going to change how dialog and quips get written / sourced in the future. Personally, even if I thought one of my quips were perfect for a character, I would be tempted to not use it in order to keep intentional all use of callbacks/remixed content.
So, when I get one that I’m really proud of, and no-one has used it yet, sometimes I want to brag. But…not all of these are safe for all audiences. That’s one place where I need you mutants in my life.
Scoring: Scoring will be conducted annually, on a “best efforts” basis. Scoring will be calcuated as follows: