Potent Quoteables

Goal: Come up with a splendid turn of phrase for which there are no exact google results.

Background: since twitter has grown and grown, I’ve found it more and more likely that, for any witticism I might form, there would be some version of prior art. I don’t know how this has been covered in sci-fi (and I’d love to read versions of this futurism), but it’s definitely going to change how dialog and quips get written / sourced in the future. Personally, even if I thought one of my quips were perfect for a character, I would be tempted to not use it in order to keep intentional all use of callbacks/remixed content.

So, when I get one that I’m really proud of, and no-one has used it yet, sometimes I want to brag. But…not all of these are safe for all audiences. That’s one place where I need you mutants in my life.

Scoring: Scoring will be conducted annually, on a “best efforts” basis. Scoring will be calcuated as follows:

@Brainspore vs. Everyone Else.

It may take a few years, but I am confident that we shall overcome. Keep your pecker up. Go team.


The key to mooning is how you pull it off.


If you’re feeling ill, chillax with a brony.


A system’s “Nixon Number” is equal to the smallest number of conspirators capable of plausibly subverting it.


“Be yourself. Everyone else is already fakin’”

– Oscar Wildthing


“He left this world the same way he entered it: naked, screaming, and covered in his mother’s blood.”


“The only thing worse than someone who doesn’t understand you is someone who does.”


Don’t trust anyone who speaks in aphorisms.


Santorum in the hand is worse than Trump in Jeb Bush.

Needs tweaking… I’ll wiki it so that it can be tweaked by y’all

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Even a double-edged sword still has a hilt.
A net for a minnow will not catch a moose.
Too many creeks roil the brook.

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Never play leap-frog with a unicorn.


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