Potential threat in Palin's words: "What’s the use in being a good guy?"

Thinking Patrick GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


He chose her because she looked like Tina Fey

It wasn’t a coincidence

In 2004, Fey and McCain did a nonpartisan get-out-the-vote photo shoot for Life magazine in Washington, D.C., and McCain gave both Fey and her husband a tour of the Capitol.

“[SNL creator] Lorne Michaels always reminds me that Sen. McCain has that [photo] framed in his office,” she says. “[Lorne] thinks subliminally that that’s why he liked Sarah Palin when he saw her — because he was used to looking at me standing next to him in that picture.”

Tina Fey Reveals All (And Then Some) In 'Bossypants' : NPR


She’s an odd woman isn’t she?

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I didn’t vote for her, but as a lifelong liberal, I think Palin was actually a decent governor in Alaska. Being nominated as a VP candidate sure did send her off the deep end. And the Lt Gov, Sean Parnell, who became governor after she quit, essentially gave the entire state of Alaska to the oil companies, where he was previously, and if I recall correctly, subsequently, employed as a lobbyist. May they both rot in hell.

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And they were actually in the majority back then if you count the radical Catholics, Mormons, etc. The subtext of paranoia, violence and insurrection was always there (at least as far back as I remember ca. 1980). When they started to feel their grip loosening, it validated their victim mentality, even though it was 100% their own fault. When they began really exerting unilateral control in W’s admin (a template laid out by Gingrich), the combination of paranoia and power just completely overwhelmed any last dregs of Christian charity, empathy and generosity they may have felt. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that the bloc that has slipped the most for modern conservatives is women, but all they have to do to get them in line on Election Day is mutter “late term abortions” and all of their queasiness about voting for a rapist pig like trump flies right out the window.

Because she completely bailed on the state months in and then quit to publish a book and get on the teevee?


And if you put these two things together, Republicans are stating that they intend to be the Bad Guys (because that’s the opposite of good) With Guns.

Didn’t the NRA say something about that? They should probably stop donating to all these politicians who are Bad Guys With Guns. Or, by extension, Wayne LaPierre should be right there with a fully equipped AR-15 outside the next RNC meeting making sure none of those Bad Guys With Guns get out.

That’s how this works right?


If those locked up good guys are all so good and Sarah really feels the need to help, she can haul her ass down to federal lockup and visit them

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Hmm. Interesting.
TIL, etc.

Got lots of Southern Baptists around here; having studied their habits for many decades, they are the last people you want anywhere near positions of power.

According to this site, ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ was written in 1760; no wonder Jefferson, etc. didn’t trust 'em.
The xenophobia runs deep in that crowd.


Possibly more figurehead.


Remember the Tea Party?

Isn’t it amazing how quickly it dried up and blew away when the Billionaires lost interest, started funding other stuff, and the money all vanished.


The Koch network kept it in the shed, then gassed it up again when they needed ground forces for their anti-covid-lockdown/kill grandma campaign.


I’m sure I knew that back when she was relevant and have gladly forgotten it since, but her son’s name is Track? I mean, really?


If “Travis” or “Jack” would be a normal name for a kid, then “Track” should not be a big deal

It’s not really a problem in American culture to give kids weird made up names, it’s fine

Palin did plenty of other stuff wrong


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