Powerful photographic portraits of Veterans For Bernie Sanders

Unlike, for example, the current Chancellor of @FFabian’s country who wholeheartedly supported the US invasion in 2003. But sure, let’s blame Bernie Sanders for creating ISIS.


I know (in my opinion Mr. Sanders is is one hell of a politician) and that’s exactly what makes it look like irony.

… and again lacking basic reading comprehension. You noticed that I was quoting one of the veterans? I’m not blaming Sanders for creating ISIS.

[quote=“FFabian, post:10, topic:76911”]Why should one deem any of these peoples choices/endorsements sensible? People who were willing to blindly follow orders to further rather questionable goals.

… but thanks for your service, I guess.[/quote]

See, I feel exactly the other way around about the situation.

I understand, and respect, when someone has the urge to get involved in some ultra-violence but instead of becoming criminals or cops they choose to enlist in a military effort that they think has some chance of being honorable service. And even more so I respect people faced with limited economic choices and educational opportunities who are willing to put their lives on the line to try to gain a better deal from our society. Really, I wish these kinds of situations didn’t exist, but I can respect the decision to try to make the best of them by “following orders” from leaders who are supposed to be better informed and presumably have the best interests of my nation at heart.

All that being said, I would rather that the USA had not invaded any middle eastern country so I cannot thank our soldiers for their service. Not their fault and I respect their position, but I ain’t saying thank you for service I didn’t want and don’t want.

And while yes, soldiers must follow orders, they usually aren’t blindly following them. I think it you look at the website that triggered this thread you’ll see that they are very aware of the consequences of US foreign policy, and that’s why so many of them are strongly supportive of people like Bernie Sanders.

What you quoted simply says:

Bernie’s measured approach will reduce the pool of people that terrorist organizations like ISIS will have to recruit from

What you said in response:

Perhaps we could trust his judgment if he hadn’t participated in creating ISIS in the first place.

See from whence our confusion came?

It reads as if you’re blaming Bernie for creating ISIS.

Don’t blame us for a lack of basic reading comprehension when the problem is your own lack of basic comment construction.


What makes you so certain that Lieutenant Jake Maier of the US Marine Corps “helped create ISIS?”

The poster doesn’t say if or where he was deployed, what he did there, or indeed whether or not he supported the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. All we know is that he is a military veteran. I hear even Germany has those.

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Fortunately I wrote more than this single sentence, but I concede that I could’ve been a bit more explicit.

Yeah, and we did learn the hard way that you better don’t give a shit about a veterans political opinions/ambitions.

“Veteran” doesn’t equal “pro-war.” Often the politicians who served in active duty are much less eager to plunge their country into new wars than their civilian counterparts.

President and former Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower refused the advice of numerous top military and foreign policy advisors to use nuclear weapons to end the Korean war (a war which was in place before he was elected to office, but which he managed to help conclude with an armistice). He used his farewell address to warn the nation about the dangers of the “Military-Industrial Complex.”

By contrast, I could name countless politicians in the U.S. and elsewhere (including Germany) who relish the idea of sending people off to war despite never serving a day in the military themselves.

Don’t lump “veterans” and “warmongers” together.


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