Pregnant shoplifting suspect shot by Walgreens staffer

This is a blog. If you want “reporting” I suggest you find one of those “News” websites.

Nice username, though, goes with your Dean Cain vibe :+1:


Your position is that the article isn’t about what the author decides to include in said article? That is indeed a bold take.


You sound … disappointed?


Nothing justifies spraying mace, something people regularly teach in self-defense as a non-lethal way to protect yourself…but assuming someone is stealing justifies going after them with a gun? To hell with that. The guard being maced is the only part of this where someone got where they deserved.


… OK see you in another three years then :roll_eyes:


I’m gonna guess the woman’s baby might die… but I guess that a shitty piece of mass produced merchandise matters more than the life of the mother or the baby…


Victim blaming, three year hiatus, victim blaming. Another three years would certainly fit the pattern.


Nothing wrong with a thousand years, eh?


Meanwhile, my last jerb in GA, the owners weren’t shy about their okayness with everyone having weapons in the office; like we’re going to stave off the cloud server being hacked…with bullets somehow? I often wondered whose line of friendly fire I’d be in if a rando homeless guy knocked on a window.


Seems excessive. 750 years, maybe, with good behavior?


So what I hear you saying that corporations should use their political donations and clout to pressure politicians to enact reasonable gun control laws.


She was far enough along that they did an emergency C-section and they say the baby is stable.

That’s not an embryo in the first 3 months, that’s a later-stage fetus with sufficiently developed lungs. At that point, if nothing else, you can tell by how a woman walks that’s she’s pregnant.


Guy wasn’t even a guard, just a manager who happened to be strapped with an itchy trigger finger who decided harassing suspected shoplifters was somehow in his job description.

“the Walgreens team leader at that store”


I’m basically with you on that… except really, corporations like Walgreens shouldn’t even be putting poorly paid minimally trained guys into these kind of situations where stuff like this is likely to happen.

He made not one, but two, terrible errors. First following these shoplifters out of the store. Second using a gun in response to pepper spray.

I understand your point, but… there is an innate impulse to guard one’s family, extended family, and property. That was just a necessary part of existence in earlier times. It’s not so necessary now (if I saw someone stealing my car, for example, I would just let it go and file an insurance claim), and transferring that impulse to a mega-corp’s retail items is a very wrong thing. But I think that’s what goes on in situations like this.

Of course, you’re right, what he did was fortunately not common. But the impulse or instinct to guard stuff is one of those innate instincts that’s part of human wiring.

Of course. I said people could have negative emotions about it, but fortunately most of us regulate our responses most of the time. This guy obviously failed in that.

And I’m certainly not. I expect he will be charged with aggravated assault, and rightfully so.

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People who cannot control themselves around potential shoplifters have an issue that means they should not be armed and they should never be allowed to work in a store where a shoplifter might trigger them. Please don’t normalize this. Flying into a homicidal rage and murdering obviously pregnant women is not “guarding” anything. That’s just armchair psychology being used to defend the indefensible. Dude ran down a pregnant woman who was close enough to delivery for the baby to survive emergency C-section. Just… No.

And again… We have nothing but murky diction implying she really stole.

If you cannot control yourself around a weapon you really shouldn’t have one and if there is a good chance you might murder some one on accident if you mistakenly think they stole merchandise from a store you should not be working in one.


Came here to post something similar. This angry man took what he perceived as a crime as a personal sleight. He was the escalator of this awful situation.

On another note, I’ve read upthread about companies pulling out of “bad” areas, which I assume means unprofitable. More and more areas are going to be labelled unjustly “bad” if things continue to progress along the same path, where fewer and fewer people can afford basic necessities.


Which is statistically best done without firearms of any kind, of course.


Indeed. Somehow the gross majority of employees all over the country have managed to resist shooting shoplifters, despite plenty of theft happening commonly. This is not normal behavior.


The whole emboldened assholery certainly seems on the upswing, with a lot more public officials endorsing this behavior.

We don’t need emboldened sociopaths. We don’t need MoAr GuNz.

I too hate this timeline so much. I am going to hold the line until the next generation can spell me from it, but I am tired and I sense I will be holding the line, wherever I end up, until I die.

Hearing you.
So hearing you.

Stay human.


Wow! Yet another one for the