Prince Charles denies likening kingship to prison

Why wouldn’t someone British have an opinion onthe royal family? I do. There, I said it.

Only if there’s beheadings involved.

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I don’t follow this guy much but I remember seeing Princess Diana hounded by photographers and having a camera lens thrust toward her when she was in Africa trying to help children injured in war. If people choose to have a monarchy and the royal family uses their position to do good works then they should be allowed to have a little space without every moment of their lives being under scrutiny. If that is the prison like condition Prince Charles was referring too then it’s too bad he took back his statement.

I don’t think we get much of a say. I don’t see anyone offering a referendum on the issue any time soon - what do you suggest? Revolution?

Americans are more interested in the British Royals than the British. Just look at the coverage of Prince William’s wedding. Then there are people who live outside of Britain where the Queen is still Head of State. If you’re not interested, don’t read.

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