Private school kicks players off football team for protesting racism during national anthem

Don’t mess with us (France, US, Canada)

In English the Canadian anthem is about standing on guard. Which I guess is sorta militaristic.

The Quebecois version is about how cool it was killing mother fuckers for the church.

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Yes, but it’s really about standing guard against grizzly bears.


The Oz anthem is about (a) what lovely scenery we have, and (b) let’s just pretend that Indigenous Australia doesn’t exist, okay?


Could it be…tyranny?

We’re talking about coaches and school administrators, not about people with a lick of sense.

That should be a slogan or a t-shirt or something. Maybe slightly reworded for brevity: “The flag is just a rag until it’s values are upheld!”


Guilty pleasure admission:

Despite being a loudly anti-militarist/nationalist/imperialist/etc sort of person, I love listening to spectacularly jingoistic anthems. I could watch the Casablanca La Marseillaise scene all day.

I reject nationalism for ethical/practical/historical reasons, but I do understand the appeal.

What about Australia? What about us?

Don’t forget the part about, ‘for those who’ve come across the seas there’s boundless plains to share’.

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…so long as they have money. And are preferably white, although we’ll take anyone if they’re rich enough.


If be surprised if Obama isn’t an excellent negotiator. But is there any level of proficiency at deal-making that sees any headway with obstructionist, recalcitrant, racist arseholes dealing in bad faith?

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Obama was okay at making deals. He was terrible at making good deals.

Negotiation isn’t just about the ability to reach a settlement. It has to be a worthwhile settlement for it to count.

Yes, the GOP opposition made it harder. Which is why the left was loudly screaming from the first days of the Obama Presidency that attempting compromise politics with the GOP was insane.

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There is a poem

A moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole
It does not seem likely to stir a man’s soul
T’is the deeds that were done 'neath that moth-eaten rag
When the pole was a staff and the rag was a flag.

But in our era we are more likely to be ashamed of those “deeds” than celebrate them. Which is what this is all about.


Ah, modern reportage. Can’t get simple ideas straight.
A charter is not a private school. More specifically, the terms shouldn’t be used to interchangeably.
The correct headline – specially where the length is not an issue, such as here – should be: “Christian charter school kicks two Black players off football team” etc.
Of course, since my more accurate version is nearly the entire story, the need to read the story for is nil.

Love it. Never seen that.


That’s why Canadia has a better edumacation system.
And more guns on bear duty at schools mean less guns on the street!

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