Privileged white guy describes police raid on his backyard pot plants

Well let’s just remove whatever from the pharmacopeia when it becomes popular among jazz musicians. We must protect people from potential harms even if it means certain harm for them.


I remember Aebersold writing about an old lady back at his local postal office(back at the 70’s thinkso) who refused to send his (wonderful) Jazz play-along improvisation manuals and records, because of the “think of the children” mentality, because, you know, Jazz is such an insidious & dangerous thing to “proper culture”. She was told by a superior to do her work, but she chose to resign into early retirement than to mail jazz to some musical teens out there. Sure the sky was falling down for her.


I meant that it would be silly to claim that there are no dangers associated with abuse of marijuana, which is why I was l asking for links of marijuana supporters making that claim. Marijuana, like most everything else, can definitely be dangerous when misused. Sorry for the confusion!

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There are certain people who shouldn’t do drugs, just as there are certain people who shouldn’t drink, shouldn’t go into a casino, or shouldn’t be allowed to drive a vehicle.

I’ve known a few people who ruined their lives with drugs- and knew them well enough to know that if they’d never used drugs, they would have ruined their lives with something else. Sad, but some people just aren’t cut out for life in this world. They’ll find something to kill the pain.


There is still a fair amount of debate about what these studies actually prove. It’s kind of a chicken-and-egg situation. This is a pretty reasonable and balanced article about it:

If you aren’t arrested. If you are then all bets are off, OF COURSE (albeit, I’d still like to see a search warrant). The point is, my point is, do not ever encourage/enable the police to enter your house unless you want it searched. “Come in, I’ll pour coffee for us. Don’t mind the hash pipe on the table.”.

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So a cop in 2015 called someone up and effectively said that the reason the pot plants had to go was black people would get crazy and violent to get at them?

Call the NSA, get a copy of that shit, that’s some viral shit right there, someone could get millions of views on youtube with that.

Wait are we supposed to monetize or democratize in these instances? I can never remember. Both? Yeah! Both! gonna get lay-aid.

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Agreed. The cohort studies I linked to were looking for occurrence of disordered thinking and weren’t powerful enough to pick up an increase in the incidence of schizophrenia.

But that’s enough for me not to partake recreationally. I enjoy clarity of thought and don’t like the feeling of being off my head at all. But if I was in pain, then it would be a different risk:benefit calculation.

Firstly, calling someone “completely useless” is s little troubling.
Secondly, inhaling too much dihydrogen monoxide will kill you …

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That’s right, and I -can- think of people who would do worse in it’s absence as an imperfect coping mechanism. Pot is dangerous is the least of all reasons to continue it’s prohibition IMO.


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