Profanity Prohibited by Community Guidelines [NSFW]

I guess with the lounge gone, I will need to look at the non-Boing BBS threads.

I didn’t realize this was a fucking thing either. Rob has asked me once to curb language, but I think that was from a more heated exchange.

Though to be clear there is a distinct difference between using vulgarity and being vulgar and uncivil. I.e. using fuck or fucking as an adjective like “this fucking thing doesn’t work” or “your view is what caused this whole fucking mess” is different than using it as an attack or insult on someone like, “your fucking view is what got us into this mess” or “fuck you and the people like you”.

I am fine with cussing in general, unless its used in personal attacks.

I do find it funny that this is even enumerated given some of the vulgar BB post titles, and the long running threads like “fuck today”.


Can I use Lush soap? I’ve always wanted to find out if it tastes like it smells, but not enough to actually try.


Apparently Lush products are technically edible, so go ahead and try!


If you MUST wash your mouth out, go for Dr. Bronners. It’s not too terrible. You can use it as toothpaste, according to the label. I’ve tried. It’s… foamy!


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