Professor who blocked a student reporter from reporting last year has been charged with assault

So freelance journalists are not journalists?


I never said that.

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Please say what you are saying, instead of not saying what you’re not saying.

You said he was not a journalist. You have defended this by pointing out a publication that said he was not on staff at the time. You acknowledged he was shopping his story around – as a freelance journalist would. But you insist he is not a journalist. You state he was looking for confrontation. With no source to back that up.

So. If I am following your train of thought – since he wasn’t on anybody’s staff and was shopping his story around like a freelance journalist, he was not a journalist and just looking for confrontation.


Please correct my mistakes.

In the form of a goat.

Spelling counts.


Excuse me? Where did I say Schierbecker is not a journalist?

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You implied that he was not there to engage in journalism, he was there to engage in confrontation. You have doubled-down on how he was not aligned with any news organization - as though that should lessen journalistic credentials. What other point would those assertions prove? Bolstering your un-cited “confrontation” allegation? You are clearly, transparently attempting to smear him as a non-journalist. What other “corrective to [the] headline” would there be?


I believe, yes, that Schierbecker was indeed there specifically to record confrontation. Maybe to witness, but not to report (in the journalistic sense of that word).

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Whoa? What what?

“Witness me!”


It’s true that I’ve been known to dabble in tweed.

Also, last Fall my wife signed up to take some swimming classes at the community college where I teach so technically I think that makes me one of those professors who bangs the hot undergrads in his off hours.


Aren’t we local? Can I come stalk you?

Maybe if you’re discreet… I’d hate to risk my mild-mannered secret identity. (Or my shot at tenure.)


Leather-patched elbow bump!


I thought his position as a freelancer was established in a previous thread (see BoingBoing link at bottom of story).

This is Mizzou, where one earns a BJ* degree. This university has a highly respected program and students network/freelance for experience during their undergraduate studies. Thus, it’s highly likely that many Mizzou journalism students were covering the protests for various media outlets.

*I know. I giggle, too.


And boy did Click deliver!

[quote=“MrShiv, post:48, topic:72758”]
Maybe to witness, but not to report (in the journalistic sense of that word).[/quote]

If someone who’d previously done photojournalist work goes to an event to record something (a confrontation or some other notable event), then tries to sell that work to news publications, wouldn’t that make them a freelance journalist even if they were there to record confrontation?


Well, I think so.:smiley:


Yes, and these sorts of issues are considered thoughtfully by Todd Gitlin in his book The Whole World is Watching. Has anyone read it?

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No but I will probably read it now.

Still, just knowing what happened at the 1968 democratic convention is enough to give a person hints on the media and protests.


But what about the dichotomy!?!?

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Well, Fall’s dichotomy is my favorite.

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