Proposed German pets rights law would require two walks a day for dogs



Or, you know, use the word adoption instead of treating sentient animals like property?


Yes they are. Its what they do.


Realistically, I think it will be more feasible to regulate the treatment of food animals, if the practice were a licensed process rather than outright ownership.

Treating pets with a different legal standard than food animals, is going to make reform much more difficult.

But the dog insists that I am his property. Sometimes I am sentient too.

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Treat them all like objects instead of sentient creatures IS the problem here, though. We have huge problems in our treatment of food animals as well, problems that often come back to bite us in the ass, such as when meat is contaminated. More humane treatment would help in that regard. Perhaps even push us towards a more sustainable diet with a focus on plants rather than animals.

I’m gonna need to see your warranty, there…


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