Proud Boys jailed, obviously

When I was in IB in high school, the most valuable class was TOK:

Basically critical thinking skills, with a side order of bullshit spotting.


The bombing of ‘Black Wall Street’; one of the advantages of graduating from an HBCU is that they focused on teaching the unpleasant US history that was suppressed or outright erased.

Every time Black people in America have started to build anything positive for ourselves, it’s ended being up being sabotaged.


Could have been, but I went to gasp! public high school!

No, we didn’t have metal detectors everywhere and gangs roaming the halls. But I did have to learn a lot of stuff on my own, and I hopefully learned it the right way.


Me too. I think everyone should be required to since it would be an equalizing factor WRT education and opportunities. The program I was in was actually in a public high school, which made it awesome (although I did have to take a bus 45 min each way every day in the FL heat without AC. Blah on that. Go Terriers! (Interesting side note: I ended up going to BU which also had terriers as the mascot :slight_smile:


It would help if so many of us who teach at the college level were not struggling adjuncts. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that at the same time that adjuncts are teaching more and more introductory courses and that more and more are women and people of color, that we’re having this right ward turn.



I’ll just leave this here.


I was fortunate enough to have a Civics teacher incorporate critical thinking skills into his curriculum. I had the distinct impression that this was not a formal component of that class, but something he took upon himself to instill in his students. I am forever grateful.

ETA: My American History teacher did his best to suppress any signs of critical thinking. It didn’t take.


Like he isn’t already? Come on, you’re talking the difference between pigs and swine.

Jesus, I hope that my girls get teachers like you if they decide to go the college route. I know that a lot of 'rents encourage their kids to try to get into “Ivy” league schools, but from what I’ve seen in interview candidates when hiring in the tech industry, those kids tend to be somewhat self-entitled with the same intellect as any other college grad. The state school and CC grads have more integrity since they know how hard they worked for what they wanted as opposed to a legacy Yale frat boy with a C- average.


I seem to remember reading that boring, repetitive rote learning in public schools was encouraged to inoculate people into boring, repetitive assembly line work in huge manufacturing plants. (Of course all those have disappeared in the US.) Did this really happen or am I imagining it?


See also: al-Shabab

Use your favourite search engine to query for John Taylor Gatto, or at least read his essay Against School.


I don’t have any firsthand knowledge of either group; could be they’re just nice boys who are happiest helping their mamas bake cookies for the church fundraiser.

From far away though, the Proud Boys look like a moderately violent, right wing hate group, angry that a changing world makes them feel disempowered. The Aryan Brotherhood is a racist criminal enterprise, not a political one, and they are violent on a completely different scale than the Proud Boys. The SPLC and the FBI estimate that the AB are responsible for something like 20% of US prison murders.

So— pigs vs. swine? Yes, but only if the swine are poorly socialized, selectively bred for size, and fed steroids until they’re bigger than the town of Hoohoo, West Virginia.


I think the social network would be more like Up Pompeii! than The Life of Brian

The double entendres would be closer to single entendres.

The series is set in ancient, pre-eruption Pompeii, with the players bearing Latinised names suggestive of their character. Howerd is the slave Lurcio (pronounced Lurk-io ); his bumbling old master Ludicrus Sextus (Max Adrian, then Wallas Eaton), the promiscuous wife is Ammonia (Elizabeth Larner), their daughter Erotica (Georgina Moon) and their virginal son Nausius (Kerry Gardner). Other regulars are Senna the Soothsayer (Jeanne Mockford) who constantly warns of impending death and destruction and, in series one, Plautus (Willie Rushton) a semi-godlike figure, making pithy comments from a location somewhere between the clouds and Mount Olympus. Guest stars included several actresses from the Carry On film series, including Barbara Windsor, Wendy Richard and Valerie Leon.


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