Psycho by Eddie Noak: a country song that tells a chilling horror story

Originally published at: Psycho by Eddie Noak: a country song that tells a chilling horror story | Boing Boing


This one is a go-to for the playlist of a radio show I do every Halloween - a wonderful example of creepy Americana. :jack_o_lantern:


the darker cover by legendary Aussie band BEASTS OF BOURBON of this has been a fave of mine:

Dang, the singer’s wife and mother committed suicide the same year, and he drank himself to death the next year, aged 47.

We’ve got Layne Staley on the front page right now as well…

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Geez I didn’t know about that! What a nightmare.

I was always partial to the Elvis Costello version:


This was the first version I came across:

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