Psychopaths are more immune to "contagious" yawns


I wasn’t replying to your post - I was attempting to reply to the original post. I am not a newbie to BB & not a noob to online discussions either. Thank-you for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

I agree with your second paragraph - your wording better reflects what I was getting at in my original post.

The low-budget animate at the end of my post is from a news story about a teacher being caught on camera assaulting a second grader for being weird - more accurately for a perceived minor social infraction. In my view the enforcement of this stuff depends on one’s status, one’s parents’ status and all of that.

So…I was smart, but weird. Bullied by other students - often at the encouragement or blind eye of the teachers and admins - the not yawning thing struck a bell.

I don’t usually yawn when others do - unless I mean to for some reason. Why did I post the gif? Well - not the best composed post - but how many posts are?

I posted the GIF because I can imagine a teacher like the one in the GIF using the Pop-Psych headline about yawning to brand me a psychopath as an excuse to thrash me - or induce other students to while whichever teacher or administrator watched.



My teenage years - early to late were in the '80s.

I was open minded regarding dating boys or girls and being a boy in my supposedly progressive town - down the road from Portlandia - that was a problem.

Several hours a week with my middle-school principal Cecil Krebs telling me the sooner I admit to being a deviant - the more likely I can get the help I need. Not to mention shit being said by teachers in front of the class and verbal & physical assaults from other brats.

OOOPS - I’ve said too much. Should probably delete this edit.

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