I, for one, welcome our new puppy masters.
Talk about a niche market
One more step on the slippery slope from the right to arm bears.
Wow! It gives the audience TWO reasons to say…“Awwwwww…”
I have a co-worker who would adore this!
Well, this guy looks like he’d actually know how to use the damn thing!
Admittedly, it is classier than the traditional “nude girls with guns” calendars. Progress?
I guess that would depend upon your sexual proclivities…
Don’t let the cat see this or it’ll just escalate.
Too late!
Why don’t they just come out with “Babies with Guns”? That’s what they really want.
What’s so difficult to understand? It’s the original point-n-click interface!
I want my s refreshed!
Honey fido wants to talk about that surgery you took him in for a couple months ago.
Ask and you shall get.